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Posted: 29/06/2005 - 20:01
by Waz
Chris Abbott wrote:They're ruining the market by damaging consumer confidence, basically.
Too true. Unfortunately I hate to say it but Scamster is only the tip of the iceberg for a lot of similar companies that do exactly the same thing. Yet another reason for me to be the last person ever to get a mobile.

It's a real shame for honest people like you though Chris, who pride themselves on customer service and value, the good old fashioned ethics that I really admire.

Interestingly, Richard Bayliss produced a C64 demo called - try somewhere like CSDB ( for it. Hilarious when you hear the sample of the frog being shot!

Posted: 02/07/2005 - 2:24
by Maindrian
I actually think it's pretty hilarious. If your sense of humour is that bad, you deserve to get ripped off. And you deserve to get your nuts ripped off as well. Bloody frog.

It gives me a warm glow knowing there's so many idiots out there. Makes me feel all superior and stuff.

(No offense to anybody, I just really hate that frog.)

Posted: 14/07/2005 - 22:05
by Waz

Another BBC News report on Scamster. Only a matter of time...

Posted: 25/07/2005 - 23:06
by ToxicGTE
The guy who does the Crazy frog voice is called Daniel Mendahl. If you know or see him, make sure you are wearing steel toe capped boots when you kick him hard several times in the knackers. Cheers..