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Posted: 22/01/2007 - 16:43
by Condor
I hate Moog, his tunes are bloody perfect :D

Hehe, just kidding, congratulations to Moog, his tunes are in two words - absolutely fantastic...
Dafunk, that was so close, your remixes are awesome... But, not to worry, with this tempo you will be ROTY next year. Eat this Moog :twisted: :D
Also congrats to Romeo Knight.. And Makke & everyone on the list!

And thanks for my voters :)

Bloody brilliant tunes.

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 19:36
by Infamous
well done everyone all deserved winners and thank you to everyone who gave me a vote, it's nice to get recognition for what i try to do hehe.

roll on 2007!

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 20:45
by FFRenzy
Andreas Wallström wrote:Thanks for all gratulations! I really appreciate it. I will do my best to keep you all happy during 2007 as well!

/Andreas, winner of the "Most Ironing on Air"-award
Same here.

/Ffrenzy. winner of the "most effective MIBG pills"-award :wink:

Posted: 23/01/2007 - 8:49
by Ziphoid
I just simply have to thank you all for enduring my rantings and mumblings throughout last year and in the same sense voting for me as well! :)

I've put my whole heart and soul into it all and I just once again have to thank you for your support and greetings. :D

This year, I will definitely not make as many shows as last year but I promise that I'll give my best each show I make. My 'On Air with Ziphoid' will be biweekly every other thursday and I'll continue to soothen the airwaves with my 'Cozy Corner' every last sunday of the month. I'll probably get to do one more SLAY Rated as well, since it's a rolling schedule and then there might be a guest appearance or two in some other shows as well, but that, noone knows. :)

A BIG amount of congratulations to Moog, Makke, Firefox & Binster for winning the other awards and also to all the other listed people. Last year was a big year for the remixing community and I'm very happy and proud to be a part of it.

Let us all do our best to make 2007 an even better year (if that's possible) and DO try to attend the BIT Live 2007 in London in June, since I think it's gonna be a blast just by looking at the people attending. At least most of the SLAY Radio staff will be there as well as a lot of the remixers all around and who would want to miss DJ Skitz, Jeroen Tel & Reyn Ouwehand live?? Just go to and get your tickets and I'll see you there!

Oh, sorry for this semi-off-topic ranting, but I just couldn't help myself! :)

Once again a BIG BIG BIG thank you and I most humbly bows towards all of you that voted and that have been listeners throughout the year. :worship:

I'll do my best to keep entertaining you throughout 2007 as well.

Yours, Ziphoid :hooray:

Posted: 23/01/2007 - 13:09
by Ziphoid
...and of course, which I missed to mention in my previous message, a BIG thank you to the Dutchies for their EXCELLENT show! I never had any kind of doubts that you would pull it off and you sure did!

Well done, my friends!


Posted: 23/01/2007 - 13:34
by moog
Ah guys, I at last found an opportunity to post few words for You :). It'd has been total surprise for me to win something, but THIS excided all my expectations :D. 3 awards - I still cannot believe that :D. WOW!

Thanks to all of You, who voted for me. I'm glad and happy that You've liked my music :)

I'm happy that I can share this joy with all of You :). First of all I wanna thank Tron and rest of Dutch gang :) for great show with many tense moments :). GREAT JOB GUYS.

Congratulations for Makke, Ziphoid (hi friends), Firefox and Binster !!! You're great.

Thanks to one of my best friends here - DaFunk, who is IMHO remixer of the year - You're very talented and versatile. Hope we'll finish that coop-remix my friend :D.

Thanks also goes to other remixers in community, this place wouldn't exist without You.

Big thanks also to Slaygon who owns my soul :), Slayradio staff. LMan, who built this place :), Kwed for RKO.

Regards and thanks to whole IRC band :)


Posted: 23/01/2007 - 15:40
by dan gillgrass
Big gratz to everyone that won and to those who missed out... everyone who releases a remix to keep the scene flowing along deserves a trophy. Of course some people wont be happy that what they voted didnt turn out but you cant argue against the majority ;)

Posted: 23/01/2007 - 15:52
by ifadeo
congrats guys, you all deserve it!!!!

you guys :rock:

Posted: 24/01/2007 - 13:01
by binster
Cheers all! Congrats to the victors!

Posted: 24/01/2007 - 14:46
by Firefox
I listend to the show in the end and it was a great one :D .

Thanx for all you who voted for me and congrats to all the other winners and runnerups...

I never thought that this would happend to me. Gives me a real booster!

Got 3 songs lined up for you when I get back from my holliday.

Hope 2007 will be a even better year.



Posted: 24/01/2007 - 16:13
by Tron
Tron here with most sincere congrats to all winners and runner-ups. I think you all did a great job and am very, very grateful to all of you for putting in all that love and effort into making these great remixes for everyone to enjoy. Personally, I think these awards are worth more than the Emmy, Grammy and Academy awards combined for more than one reason.

@Moog: Mega congrats!
It took so much time to prepare for this show, and I was soooo nervous that I said I'll never do a ROTY show again. But having you on-air with us at the end made it all worth it!

@Dafunk: Congrats too!
We've all seen the stats. In my opinion, you are on a shared 1st place winning the big one!

@Makke: I knew it!
Congrats mate. You remixes are always fun to listen to.

@Binster: Congrats on this fresh remix that retained the 64 feel!

@Firefox: Finish that damned "Remember my 64"!
Oh, and of course, congrats on sleepwalk!

@Ziphoid: Congrats on the RPOTY!
And if you got any more bright ideas to rob me of my spare time and get me to do such a nerve-wracking event, please mv it to /dev/null. :wink:

@Marcel: Thanx for the excelent jingles!

And last, thanx to all in the community who did their thing in making it what it is today: Something to be really, really proud of.

Posted: 25/01/2007 - 6:38
by Rondo
My congratulations to all winners and almost-winners! I'm sorry to say I missed the ROTY awards show on SLAY because I was physically incapable of interrupting my Blockout session... That game is pure evil genius I tell you.

Posted: 25/01/2007 - 11:52
by merman
Really enjoyed reading Waz's article about the awards.

Posted: 25/01/2007 - 13:45
by Analog-X64
merman wrote:Really enjoyed reading Waz's article about the awards.
Same here well written.