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Posted: 10/01/2005 - 15:13
by LMan
Hmmm. :?:

Posted: 10/01/2005 - 23:59
by xo
LMan / Remix64 wrote:The Bone Collector?
I just noticed this. :lol:

Posted: 11/01/2005 - 7:03
by LMan
exoskeleton wrote:
LMan / Remix64 wrote:The Bone Collector?
I just noticed this. :lol:
Yeah yeah make fun of me :lol: I just remember zapping into the film a few weeks ago, and there Angelina Jolie went into a dark tunnel looking for a dead body, and that guy on the comlink kept telling her to go deeper in. So that's why I thought it was that movie, I've never seen it, really ;)

Posted: 11/01/2005 - 8:35
by dan gillgrass
Feekzoid wrote:Might be easy for some, difficult for others... but its from one of my all time fave movies:

"I need something in the foreground to give it scale!"

Meesa reckons it Jaws, one of my faves too :D

Posted: 11/01/2005 - 11:00
by Feekzoid
dan gillgrass wrote:
Feekzoid wrote:Might be easy for some, difficult for others... but its from one of my all time fave movies:

"I need something in the foreground to give it scale!"

Meesa reckons it Jaws, one of my faves too :D
Correct! Well done! "You're gonna need a bigger boat" would have been too easy.. :)


Posted: 11/01/2005 - 21:29
by xo
Neeext. :P

Posted: 12/01/2005 - 10:58
by dan gillgrass
Dunno if this is easy or not....

"how the fuck do you split a car?, with a fucking chainsaw?"

Posted: 14/01/2005 - 14:26
by fnordpojk
exoskeleton wrote:Dr. Allcome.
Johnny Mnemonic.

(yes, I know, but I just had to show off my knowledge of bad early-nineties movies..)

Posted: 15/01/2005 - 1:48
by Maindrian
"how the fuck do you split a car?, with a fucking chainsaw?"
It's Fargo. This I know full well, having just watched it on DVD for the hundredth time...

Alright, my go. Again.

"He's gone! The evil has left this place!"

Posted: 15/01/2005 - 6:58
by LMan
Return of the King?

Posted: 15/01/2005 - 9:55
by Vosla
Maindrian wrote:"He's gone! The evil has left this place!"
Kerry was ment to say that if he had won the presidental election in the US.

Posted: 15/01/2005 - 18:42
by Steve B
lol @ Vosla :D

Posted: 16/01/2005 - 11:25
by Sonic Wanderer
Maindrian wrote:"He's gone! The evil has left this place!"
Poltergeist 2?

Btw, even though you "know full well" that you're right, please keep to the rules. Dan must say you're right before you have the go. ok? 8)

Posted: 16/01/2005 - 17:18
by dan gillgrass
Sonic Wanderer wrote: Btw, even though you "know full well" that you're right, please keep to the rules. Dan must say you're right before you have the go. ok? 8)
YEAH! DAMN YOU! altho ive not been here for two days so ill let you off...oh btw... you were wrong....

Not really.... Fargo rules!

Posted: 16/01/2005 - 18:33
by Maindrian
I know, I know, I'm just young and impatient. :P

Its not Poltergiest 2 and it isn't Return of the King. If you want a clue, Donald Pleasance said it.