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Posted: 10/11/2006 - 12:25
by Vosla
LMan / Remix64 wrote:I don't do www social networking, I have a basic uneasiness when it comes to recording my social relations on a public server. Privacy anyone? :shock:
Just look at what Google "knows" about you. If you are active in some forums (forii?), this already should give interesting results...

Posted: 12/11/2006 - 3:02
by madfiddler

Posted: 13/11/2006 - 3:04
by Hazel

Hmm.. Seems like you fooled me into joining this too.. ;)

Posted: 14/11/2006 - 18:50
by Infamous
finally got my musical one up... yay me!

Posted: 15/11/2006 - 10:01
by Sidman 64
Well I've just signed up to myspace,
If anyone would care to take a look and have a listen then go here,

Just need to add a view bits, and also friends :)


Posted: 18/11/2006 - 11:25
by Feekzoid
Lol, I've been on myspace a while, but more for my sinister goth alter-ego than my music stuff... tho I did try and make it a bit more of both!

Posted: 13/12/2006 - 12:16
by Analog-X64
Ok So I signed up for Musician MySpace... I couldnt figure out how to convert my other account...I'll have to delete the other one somehow.

Anyways. Now I get to pick a URL what do you guys think I should make it? ? or

Posted: 13/12/2006 - 19:38
by Subzero

Posted: 18/12/2006 - 10:18
by C64GLeN
Oops, Silly Me...

Allister Brimble + Anthony Putson

Posted: 18/12/2006 - 11:58
by Analog-X64
My Space Support SUCKS!!!!!

MySpace has disabled the Script that would allow you to convert from a normal account into a band/artist account.

So I have e-mailed their Support 3 times already about converting my account and no response yet.

Posted: 18/12/2006 - 18:32
by parasprinter
Myspace support really stinks.

I have a music profile I share with my brother, and we had a hard time posting a tune because upon each upload, it would claim we couldn't upload copyrighted material.

I don't know of any other band with the same name as ours, at least any that myspace would worry about copyright infringement over. So we were wondering if they weren't cool with the song name- which was "Legend", and upon second attempt "Legends".

We assumed it was used before but wouldn't think it to be a problem. Unless if it was something really specific, like "Hit Me Baby One More Time", I'm almost certain there is no rule against having the same name for a song as another artist. I can think of 3 bands with a song called "The Trees"...

But we tried seemingly everything, altering the filename, altering the original mp3s tag (prior to reuploading), and altering the name we gave it on myspace. The system still cried copyright infringement for absolutely no clear reason.

Myspace support gave some automated response that had NOTHING to do with our problem. In the end I figured that no matter how much I altered the filename and tags, I was still uploading the "same" file, and copies of. I trimmed like a second of silence off the end to make it slightly different, and somehow that fixed the problem. If their system recognizes copyright infringement based on song lengths, that would just be ridiculous.

Bear in mind I have another profile that has had no issues with uploading videogame covers to. I can post words like castlevania and mega man away and not have a problem, so its just ironic that my project of originals had such an issue/glitch.

Posted: 18/12/2006 - 22:38
by Analog-X64
I dont want to delete my account in the chance that I lose the analogx name between deleting my normal account and opening my band/artist account.

Posted: 19/12/2006 - 14:43
by Feekzoid
I managed to do that ok.

I cancelled - created a personal one with the html from the that one, waited 24 hours, then recreated /feekzoid as a band one.

...only AFTER emailing myspace to ask about account conversion... no answer... so I did it meself... and got an answer from the yesterday stating that it wasnt possible and that I'd have to create a new band account.

lol, screw them, I got it sorted :)

Posted: 19/12/2006 - 19:09
by Analog-X64
I just deleted my account. Going to wait 24 hours or so and create a new one.

Update: So I'm back on my space with this.

Update 2: Its all up and running and I've even got an original track which I've shared here before.

Posted: 04/03/2007 - 1:33
by Analog-X64
Check out this Myspace page:

Listen to the 4th track "Amazement Arcade"

Here is are some very good 64ish sounding bands.