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Posted: 01/06/2006 - 21:37
by weblaus
(name removed) wrote:The only thing I need at the moment is active and interested users being prepared for something new, something different.
I have to say, you've really got an amazing way to motivate such users to help you out... I imagine lots of people will want to stand by the side of someone who - judging from this thread alone - has shown an undoubtly great talent to alienate pretty much everbody who has any standing in the community and might have been willing to help out.

Posted: 02/06/2006 - 3:02
Time to cool down and going to bed...let's thing together what we're willing to do in future. I'm to weak at the moment for new ideas...

Another day - Another try (But remember - Listen or die! HA HA HA HA HAAAAA :twisted: )

Never give up, Do what ever you want... but do it with a little smile. :)

Posted: 02/06/2006 - 8:14
by Analog-X64
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: And since you know what you do, you no longer need the good people on this board answering your questions. I can't wait for the remixes to start flooding in now that people will have spare time on their hands.
I find it curious that he's responded to everyones posts except mine. What does that say?

Well I'm done with this thread. Back to remixing Master of Magic.

Posted: 02/06/2006 - 14:49
I didn't ignore your post but I also know these things. When I'm busy the whole day, being working or at my parents or making publicity the whole day, I don't have time for other things, answering every posting, even in english. :roll:

I think, I should concentrate now on the most important things and if I learned something from the posts I already read, it's to take a lot of time, more than I thought to increase the publicity and interest of some people.

However, I've time...much time...time I'll spend for other things than radio only.

Posted: 04/06/2006 - 7:04
by Nickenstien
Chris Abbott wrote:
(name removed) wrote:Sorry, I don't partly.
You don't? You should get out more.
Thrust me, I know what I do...
No, that's the other thread.


HAHA, Comic genious Chris, a little bit of sexual inuendo always helped fuel an argument, hehe !!, (that one realy made me chuckle ;) )

errrm anyway here is my view on things (i dont say much in general because I usualy make a tit of myselfe, but here goes, anyway, please forgive my garmmer/spelling, im very dyslexic and I realy cant be arsed to copy this into a spell-checker and back again)

So (name removed), here are my thoughts (for what they are worth) ;)

When it comes to the English language barrier issue, I personaly find this to be a HUGE issue. I dont speak German, and I have a _lot_ of commitments in my life. If I had no commitments to adhere to I probably would use some of my free time to learn some german to in order to enjoy a 'scene' related show that is only broadcasted in german. (that may sound silly but I would learn german to get some more c64 retro goodness :D). But sadly I dont have that time, and hence Slay-Radio is imediatley accesible to me as they broadcast in my native language (so i can just turn slay on as I work and drop into the IRC as and when I feel like saying something, luckily for me :D)

I have tuned into some of your show whilst I have been coding or doing other work, and it was nice that you noticed and greeted me. I did apreciate the sentiment :) but i just couldnt understand anything.

I heard "lfdk sdflgs dlf sdlfjsdf dfgd fgdfglk dfg NICKENSTIEN lkfg dfldf", which was nice (honestly, I realy did apreciate the attempt to make a non-german speaker feel welcome during your broadcats, I commend you for that :D, that was very nice, thankyou), But I couldnt undersatnd anything other than hearing my nickname. So asside from that, I heard some c64 tunes. But I can hear c64 tunes on Slay, so it was like listening to the Slay-Radio rotational queue with the a bit of german spoken in between tracks, except on the Slay-Radio Rotational queue I can add my desired tunes onto it! and hence I find the non-interactive slay-radio parts more interactive than your live parts (Purely a language barrier in effect here).

And for me, this is the crux of the matter, its all about the interactivity!

On a wednesday I like to tune into slay-Radio, the reason - I LIKE BOZ!

On a thursday I like to tune into slay-Radio, the reason - I LIKE ZIPHOID!

If im home on a saturday afternoon, I like to tune into Slay-Radio, the reason - I LIKE SKITZ!

On the rare occurence that Thalamus does a show, I tune in because .......... I LIKE THALAMUS (Thalamus plays mostly SID's, I have HVSC on my PC so I dont 'need' his shows to hear the tunes, I have them _all_ at my beckon call, but I enjoy him and chatting with him as he plays the tunes). I know thalamus personaly and used work with him (and even then most of our chats involved c64 related issues, as well as who's turn it was to make the tea, hehe)

So Again, Its the language issue. I feel more personaly connected to the shows of all of these guys because we can chat as the show goes on. If they spoke German (or Swedish) then I just wouldnt get that feeling from the shows. I would still listen because of my love of SID and SID remixes, but I would yearn for an English-Speaking version.

So asside from spoken/written "english", it is the interactivity with the show-hosts that I love.

With regard to 'show-format' I think Fnordpojk may have touched upon some interesting points. From what he said, maybe he feels that the 'Slay' format for live-shows has became a little stale, the "z-boz" format as he calls it. Fnordpojk also mentions that he enjoys Thalamus' indepth knowledge of the tunes that he plays, so maybe that is a way that you could do shows that dont 'compete' with Slay, but instead 'compliment' them. Do some shows that dont take requests, come up with a solid 'play-list' for a show, and find out as much info as you can about each track, and use that info in your broadcast.

I personnaly dont share that opinion with Fnordpojk, I love the Slay-Radio live show format with lots of listener-interaction and on-the-fly requests being played, for me that is what constitutes a "live show" in contrast to a pre-recorded pod-cast.

The basic point here is, find a way to co-exist rather than have a war for total domination. As Slay-Radio has been around for a _very_ long time and done a _lot_ of hard work achieve what it has. The majority of folks here are fans of Slay-Radio so this realy is the wrong place the try and pick a fight against them.

One of the other things I enjoy about listening to live Slay shows is the fact that I can interact with the other listeners in the IRC channel as we "all" collectively listen to the shows. Lovely folks who I have came to know such as Chappers, Wenchie, Brad-CA, Raivyn, FFrenzy and various others that I share the "live-show" experience with. And this is one of the main attractions to the shows for me, I can "share" the listening experience with them "all", and have a laugh with them "all" as we "all" listen. I cannot do this in the (name removed) IRC channel as I dont speak German. So this is another _major_ element of the Live-Show experiance that your station cannot offer me. (again, its a language barrier, this time not with you as a broadcaster, but with your audiences natural language)

In my personal opinion, the thing that you should strive to be is "The best German speaking C64 Remix Radio station that you can be!"

Don't try and be a global-Dominator, because all you will achive is the Alienation of your loyal german-speaking listeners.

You could make your station -all-english-speeking- but then you wouldnt be (name removed) anymore!

And maybe that is where your true 'niche' lies!! you could be the station taht does all the things that slay does, but in other languages!! Have broadcasts in German, French, Russian, Polish, Swedish etc, and cater for all of the Non-English speaking folks who love C64 and SID remixes. If you did that then you could truly offer something new to the scene by bringing live c64-remix-radio to all of the non-english speeking fans of c64 :D

Errr,so thats what I think :D (to recap, dont 'compete' with Slay, but take you shows to an audience that slay cant reach IE Non-English speaking C64 remix fans, you could truly excel at that)

Best of Luck (name removed).


Posted: 05/06/2006 - 16:38
By the way: Thank you for listening us.:)

I'm still at my friend at the moment and will return tomorrow to my home town. Surely there are still many things to to after my return. And I'm working to find a special DJ for an english show because my spoken english isn't good enough for an extra show.

I'm trying to do some bilingual shows it future as long we didn't have found a new man (or woman) for this. During this period, we would be very happy to welcome you like last saturday, even if it's only you Nick which you can understand - I think it's mainly the music because we doing or job and we're still thinking where we can improve what we get from different posts or E-Mails.

So do it, like many and going more others...just giving us (and yourself) a fair chance with your presence in our show and the chat.;)

Thank you.:)

Posted: 06/06/2006 - 19:31
by Dimmignatt
(name removed) wrote:
Thrust me, I know what I do...
Obviously not .. Stop this whining and do some constructive things with the thing posted here..
I thought it could be nice with another Retro station but reading your thread and the answers you gave to the people that tried to help you just PISSED me off so much so there is NO way in hell that I would tune in to your show now even if it was in english..

Pull yourself together and do something constructive instead of this whining nonsense. You can't expect folks to tune in to your station when you behave like a infant who needs a diaper change.

(excuse me everyone, moderators of the forum and so on for my hard words, but this has gone to far!!!)

This reminds me very much of 2 people that has been terrorising our community in the past with this "I want fame now and if I don't get it I will kick your ass" attitude..
One question.. Where is those people today ??
It was the same thing.. Everyone tried politly to help them and give bad and good critisicm ... Constructive feedback so to speak.
But they just ignored everything and bitchslapped the very people that took their time to post tips and feedback for them...

So stop this nonsense right away and GROW up.

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 13:24
Did anyone "terroristing" someone??? Can't remember that, even as it was though as constructive the whole time. Please read it again from the beginning. There's nothing to do with whining for something.

I only say what I think, not more or less...

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 13:39
by Dimmignatt
(name removed) wrote: I only say what I think, not more or less...
Yeah and you don't respect the feedback given and if you claim something else you're just too ignorant !!
Stop talking back to everyone and take the advice given under consideration instead !!

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 0:21
I respect everyone as long as they do in my case.;)

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 1:09
by Dimmignatt

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 1:34
by Ziphoid
I was planning to write a long and angry post here, but I've come to the conclusion that it's simply not worth it. YOU're not worth it.

I'm sorry. I'm a nice enough guy and it takes a LOT to piss me off, but you've managed to do so by repeatedly misbehaving and refusing to listen to good advice.

Therefor I won't bother even TRY to help you in your quest to fame, as you sort of put it.

Just learn when it's enough.

Acting like a 12-year old does NOT help you in any way.

Start thinking before acting.

/ Ziphoid

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 1:50
by Ziphoid
...and to you others that might wonder what ticked me off - no, the last post has not ONLY to do with how (name removed) has been acting here in the forum, but also with his overall behavior. Here as well as on IRC.

Just wanted to clarify that.

/ Ziphoid

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 2:00
by Nickenstien
@(name removed)!

I realy have to agree with Ziphoid here! I listened to a SlayRadio show tonight (Boz Bollocks), and on the IRC you continualy interupted the show with Chantings about football etc, IN BRIGHT RED. When you were continualy told to stop, you got kicked from the channel. AND THEN you logged back in and did it again!!!

This is the behaviour of a FUCKING CHILD!!!!!

Nobody ever saw you as a 'competitor' or 'threat' to what slay radio does, infact you have been offered realy good advice on this thread from Slay-Radio staff.

But you yourself, have twisted everything they said into an argument and displayed yourself as somebody who wants to compete! Slay never wanted a competition with you.

your actions today can only be seen as a futile attempt to sabotage the IRC channel of slayRadio (who you yourself, have decided to make a "fight" with) during a live show. And that is truly pathetic!!! I myself spent a long time constructing a post here for you about focussing on Non-English shows. I realy wish I hadnt wasted my time.

(name removed), You are acting like a complete FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!

I find this very sad, because I thought that a German Language C64 radio would be a great thing!, but you just want to fight for attention all the bloody time. (its just like with the gay thread that you started. You just wanted a fight then, and nobody cared, so now you have changed the focus of your fight to Slay-Radio. GROW UP FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!)

EDIT - Ive been told that what I have said hear may seem harsh, but your behaviour and persistant abuse of the Slay-IRC during somebody elses broadcast (which they take time out their busy life to do) was absolutly disgusting and you really should feel ashamed of yourself for such behaviour. Afterall, how would you feel if a Slay-DJ came and sabotaged your IRC during one of your shows. IN-FACT you have been visited by Slay-DJ's who were there as a good will jesture to help, and this just throws that back in their faces!, so NO i dont think im being too harsh.

Posted: 08/06/2006 - 3:53
I don't say any more without my lawyer...:nonono: