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Posted: 02/08/2005 - 12:59
by Lem
Awesome Jan! That's an impressive list there!

Defender of the Crown was a surprise, will be great to hear that one :)

Posted: 17/08/2005 - 13:48
by rhenk
oh my god!! it seems it will be the best Immortal CD!!

Killing Game Show and Blood Money: My answer is that imho, are two of the best Amiga's songs ever. I prefer to wait until september to get both included in Immortal 3.

So Jan, what will happen? Will they both be included? Thanks for your great work!!

Posted: 21/08/2005 - 19:54
by Jim Power
Unfortunately we couldn't save "Killing Game Show" and "Blood Money" for this album. However, as I pointed out before, there's a good chance these tracks might be included on some future project, since Ray is actually very keen on arranging the both of them for CD one day. As for "Amberstar" - well, I had asked Jochen during the production of the second "Immortal" already to reserve that particular title for a future volume... I guess Hippel-fans will need to get both "Revival ST" and "Immortal 3" anyway! :wink:

Posted: 21/08/2005 - 20:01
by sumppi
As I've lately been toying around with some Amiga demo tunes, I think it would be quite cool to do a remix collaboration of those. Not necessarily a CD, but maybe something like the ocremix projects...

Actually, doing a Flash based music disk could be quite cool. Especially if modeled after some old music disk with same songs and U updated etc :)

Sorry, a bit off topic for Immortal 3. I'm still anxiously waiting for it though ;)


Posted: 16/09/2005 - 22:08
by Jim Power
OK, here are the latest news on the project: the discs have now been mastered at the Pauler Acoustics studio - that's the very same place Chris Huelsbeck had his "Turrican" soundtrack CD mastered at a decade ago! You can check out a small videoclip of the mastering session here - if you listen carefully, you might even recognize the tracks playing in the background. There's still a lot of work to do with the booklet, but I hope I'll be able to send the album to the printers soon... please enjoy the clip & stay tuned! :D

Posted: 14/10/2005 - 15:27
by mahen
Hi Jan ;)

It's time for the monthly update I guess ;)

Hehe, sorry for annoying you, but this project is so exciting ;)

Posted: 30/10/2005 - 13:07
by Thornado
C'mon Jan! Share the love! :D

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 0:02
by Jim Power
My apologies for the recent lack of news! It's a busy time for me at the moment - I've only got the weekends to work on the album, but it's happening. In the meantime I thought it would be nice to let you have a look at the making of one of the tracks: "Shadow of the Beast 2" was orginally to be arranged by "Immortal" series creator Ruben Monteiro for CD; unfortunately, he only found the time to work on the intro and make a hurried attempt to re-orchestrate the ingame mod. Since this was the only track left unfinished I decided to give it a hand myself and teamed up with a friend to sample a whole load of quality sounds from our synth racks. In addition to the exchange of samples and some careful changes to the song structure we re-arranged the climatic string part at the end of the piece with a Kurzweil K2500. The result was finally approved by composer Tim Wright and will hopefully please the many fans of the Amiga original... (an excerpt from the Amiga mod) (the re-orchestrated Monteiro draft) (a glimpse at the CD version)

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 19:56
by Little Nothing
Anxiously, anxiously awaiting the release and I hope they keep coming.

Posted: 04/12/2005 - 3:16
by Lem
Do you think we'll score it before Christmas Jan? :)

What a superb Christmas present Immortal 3 would be! :D

Posted: 07/12/2005 - 23:22
by Trueunborn
All Of this looks so exiting!!I ordered both volumes on synsonic a few days ago and i am eagerly awaiting to recive them. I must confess i am a real module fan, you know the kind that let the amiga playing the title music of games or demos for hours while doing homeworks reading or anything...

The selection for third volume is pretty cool but i wonder why you remixed both pinball dreams and fantasy and not illusions which has by my opinion one of the all time best amiga module and so dancy!!!

I know the title music of wolfchild is so much popular and so cool too... ... Title%2C1/

I have a lot more ideas like of very good tunes but i wouldn't want to overwhelm the forum now as it is no more time for proposition but for releasing the next album.. but count on me to come back when it will be time!!

Good job anyway.

Posted: 14/12/2005 - 19:22
by Jim Power
"Pinball Illusions" surely has got a nice title theme; then again, "Dreams" and "Fantasies" were more popular games in my opinion and I personally liked their music even better. However, if you're into dance music, you should definitely like the treatment Olof has given his tracks for the album! As for "Wolfchild" - I actually tried to get Martin Iveson on board for the second volume already, but he's just too busy these days (and Core wouldn't license their stuff anyway). We've probably missed out some other favourites as well, but I think the selection we've put together this time is essential anyway.

Hopefully you won't be too disappointed to hear that "Immortal 3" won't be ready before the end of this year - I tried really hard to get it finished before christmas, but I just didn't find enough time to work things out. In the end I felt it would be better to postpone the release until early 2006 instead of messing it up on the last meters. Please have some more patience with me... :oops:

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 5:53
by Lem
I had a feeling this was the case Jan.. While Immortal 3 wont be here for Christmas, it will provide a spectacular start to 2006 :D

Is it possible for you to tease us with some clips in the meantime?

Posted: 24/12/2005 - 11:31
by Trueunborn
Jan Zottmann wrote: you should definitely like the treatment Olof has given his tracks for the album! As for "Wolfchild" - I actually tried to get Martin Iveson on board for the second volume already, but he's just too busy these days (and Core wouldn't license their stuff anyway). We've probably missed out some other favourites as well, but I think the selection we've put together this time is essential anyway.
Yeah this is for sure a very cool collection! I have always been sure of that, and am eagerly awaiting for it. So sad some editors would'nt give up rights over old and never to be re-used musics... business world is so unclear...

Keep up doing the good job anyway, i am eagerly waiting for the third volume!

Posted: 11/01/2006 - 11:32
by Schlicky
Avaliable for pre-order yet Jan or Chris ?

Im assumming C64 Audio will be the place to get it :lol: