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Posted: 02/05/2007 - 14:03
by Komet64
I started out as many others with trackers on the amiga. Since then I've tried lots of different setups, from my first synthesizer connected via a cheap MIDI interface to my Amiga running Bars & Pipes... to my most advanced setup with numerous synths controlled by Cakewalk.
The latter was what I used when I made my first C64 remix. Since then I made other remixes, strangely shifting my choice of tools to programs like Jeskola Buzz (a great 0 budget alternative by the way), Fruity Loops and Reason.

Now I've sort of taken a step back and my machine park has shrunk to just a Novation X-station connected to my PC, running both Reason and Cakewalk Sonar, but I really should get a better computer for those heavier programs so I still use Buzz a lot.

Seems I can't make up my mind =)

Posted: 17/07/2007 - 11:41
by Razmo
1. Demon's music program on C64 (don't recall the name of it)
2. Aesis something with notation scoring on AMIGA (dont recall the name of it)
3. Protracker on AMIGA
4. Kefrens Sound Machine (the tracker I never finished coding on AMIGA)
5. Noisetracker on AMIGA
6. Vienna Studio on PC
7. Cakewalk on PC
8. Sonar on PC (current seq. and has been for a loooong time)

and in that order of appearance :)

I can the hell of it not settle with either cubase or logic... my MIDI interfaces are Emagic AMT-8 and Unitor-8 so I'd get much better timing on Logic, but.... nope! ... not my cup of tea.

Posted: 17/07/2007 - 14:42
by DHS
razmo wrote:2. Aesis something with notation scoring on AMIGA (dont recall the name of it)
Aegis Sonix :)

Posted: 17/07/2007 - 15:05
by Razmo
DHS: Yep! ... that's the one! :D

Posted: 14/08/2007 - 2:37
by PsychNerD
For me, Yamaha RM1X does the trick. I mainly compose my loops, play with them live while harddisk recording, then I import all the tracks in ACID to do the mixdown, add some samples and missing stuff, try to do my mastering etc...

So the MIDI pipe is :
Master Keyboard->RM1X->MOTU MTP AV x2 routing->Synths

And the audio pipe is :
Synths->32x8 console->8 comp/lim/exp->8 track HD Rec->PC via ADAT.

I've tried a lot of software, and I mean... a lot... Cubase, ReNoise, Acid, FruityLoops, AXS, Logic, Reason, Cakewalk, Abelton Live, name them... to realise that whatever it is, it's not perfect, not perfectly integrated, will have some bugs or limitations, and the only way to actually get something out of it is to put time on it, learn it well, and THEN, it will be a creative tool that can easily put your ideas into sound... So for me it's better to stick to my RM1X and it's bugs and limitations than learning the whole thing again.

The only alternative for me was reason. Start, work, render, yay. But no hardware fun. Mouse... yuk.

Posted: 14/08/2007 - 6:28
by Scyphe
0. (something) - C64 (I fiddled with some editor but can't remember the name)
1. Aegis Sonix - AMIGA
2. Sound/Noise/Star/Protracker on AMIGA
3. Future Composer 1.3 - AMIGA
3. Notator - ATARI ST
4. Cubase - ATARI ST
5. Fasttracker - PC
6. Renoise - PC (fun program)
7. Cubase - PC (currently waiting for SL3 + MI4 that I bought through ebay)

There are probably some stuff missing but those are the main tools I've used throughout the years. Now it's purely a Cubase-thing as far as I'm concerned. ;)

Posted: 14/08/2007 - 6:34
by Instant Remedy
Soundtracker - Amiga
OctaMED - Amiga
FT2 - PC
MadTracker - PC
Renoise - PC

Never liked OctaMED, it had some nice MIDI features but never got along with the interface and many other things I don't remember.


Posted: 25/10/2007 - 20:40
by Infamous
Romeo Knight wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:S'well documented that I use Cakewalk Sonar and Wavelab and work with individual raw audio tracks recorded one by one. I find that it easier to work with conceptually. I've never got on with trackers.

Yeah, this is how a pro works! :) My production style, too.
I use Nuendo and it's by far better than anything else! It's even better than Photoshop!
See how godlike romeo really is?.. he made music in PHOTOSHOP! :worship:


1st music program I used was on the amstrad cpc464 and off of an amstrad action tape I cant remember what it was called and neither can i find it on any emulator site (simply so i can load it up and swear at it), then theres a nice big gap and protracker then octamed (thank you cu amiga) then ejay (my 1st foray into pc music making which was frankly... shit) then madtracker, then buzz which I loved very much and still use often.. but im now a avid user of ableton. Loving the sound quality that im getting out of it even though it did take me a fair few weeks to get to grips with the damn thing.

I really dont have much of a problem with the prodigy (liam is an idol of mine musically) think for the work he has put in he deserves to be paid as much as he does.. not many people out there in the dance/pop industry you can point at and say they changed it.. but liam did, in the early 90's he helped popularise the rave scene (something which he has in many interviews said he's sorry for and would rather forget) but with the 2nd album they produced (which has many live instruments and "musicians" on) he pioneered a whole new style which many have copied since.. most of the dance luminaries look towards him to see where to go next. After outgunned how many broken beat dance tunes suddenly appeared? he got where he was through hard work and pespiration unlike so many other acts who are being paid for no reason at all other than they have big tits and a nice arse or a handsome face n washboard tummy.. fuck them.

I could seriously go on and on for hours about this subject but i shan't... yet lol.

Anyway mark m8, your a recognised professional musician within your industry you've been picked up by large computer game companies, bands and so on there is no way outside your own personal circle that you can ever be marked as a failure or a lesser musician either electronic or live, you have clear talent and a keen ear and alot of people appreciate it.. in the end apart from the money (which is nice) making yourself happy is the be all and end all of being a musician imo. so if your happy your doing well :)


Posted: 25/10/2007 - 21:13
by Marcel Donné
Firefox wrote:
Marcel Donné wrote:Today, after a 2 month wait for the US Postal Service, I finally received my new sequencer. Well, when I say new I meant to say that it's rather old but it's new to me, and it was dirt cheap. Oh, and it's dedicated hardware. Nearly forgot to mention that ;)

So my first mission tomorrow morning is to get a 220V-->110V converter and try this baby out.

Oh, nearly forgot to tell you what it is ;) It's a (nearly) vintage Yamaha QX1 :D
I used to have this waaayyyy back in the time. The Yamaha RX21 Drum machine.


Are you getting the old sequencer just for fun or what? What are you using otherwise?

The main reason for getting the Yamaha QX1 was that I managed to get my hands on a Yamaha TX816. This allows me to store and load soundbanks between the 2 machines. I even found a 3.5" floppy drive for it instead of the malfunctioning 5.25" unit that was in there!
My main sequencer tool has been, and will be Cubase, seeing as I'm a devoted user since 1988.
I tried Dr. T's KCS on the Amiga for a while but it just didn't work out I'm afraid and I won't even try get into programming in an assembler on my breadbin like in the old days :wink:

Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 26/10/2007 - 1:19
by PsychNerD
Scratch my last message :) i upgraded my RM1X for it's big brother... The RS7K. Great piece of gear.


Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 02/11/2007 - 14:31
by LPChip
I mainly use MODPlug Tracker (now known as OpenMPT, cus it went open source). I also have tried Goat Tracker, and made a few tunes in there.

I started out using scream tracker, then moving to impulse tracker, when at a certain point a hardware change was necessary, and it stopped working on IT.

I find it funny to see that no one actually mentioned about this tracker.

Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 03/11/2007 - 22:33
by therealpollux
I wish I used logic , but it's only mac

so I use fruity loops Z_Z

I didn't like Cubase's interface.

I would have to get use to it :0

Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 04/11/2007 - 0:09
by Razmo
PsychNerD wrote:Scratch my last message :) i upgraded my RM1X for it's big brother... The RS7K. Great piece of gear.

Niiiice! :) ... Yamaha hardware is generaly nice, though their older gear was much more inovative... Korg, Roland and Yamaha, the big ones seem to be into monster workhorse workstation products mainly these days... it's just more ROM waves, More FX and more bling-bling...

You ned to go for the small companies these days for the fun objects, or delve into retro stuff.

Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 09/11/2007 - 8:40
by trace
Beside Reason that I use now I have also in the past used:

UBIKS Music - c64
Protracker - Amiga
Octalyzer - Amiga
OctaMED - Amiga
Buzz - PC
AXS - PC, Made my delta remix with it ;)
Renoise - PC
Fasttracker2 - PC
Cubase - PC, Just for a few c64 remixes
I have tryed FL but I can't handle the layout :wink:

I even did 2 own track with a Yamaha dx7-II with the built in sequencer when I was around 14-15 years old :D
I need to get intouch with my cousin cause he has the tape with those 2 tracks, hopefully he hasn't thrown the tape away ... :shock:

Re: What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 9:05
by omoroca
Isn't it cool! One of my co-workers starts working at Ableton next month, in their headquarters here in Berlin.

He also has a band called Litmus who make really good lo-fi electronic music: