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What? Yet another Sonic W-remix???

Posted: 25/11/2003 - 22:02
by Sonic Wanderer
The polls speaks for itself! After just 1 day it seems unlikely people preferr to wait for it, so here's the link:

<A HREF=" ... p3">--LINK TO THE TUNE--</A>


Yes! Your eyes do not deceive you!

I've actually completed yet another remix!!! (Wohoo..... that's 3 in like.... 1 month!!!).

Having no job sure keeps me occupied artistically. Hehe. 8)

Since it's quite a different piece of cra......ehm... art compared to my previous work, I'm not sure on posting a pre-download link....... should I??

You decide. Maybe you can find the tune without me giving directions....who knows? :twisted:

But just to be sure, tell me what to do!!! :idea:

Oh yeah..... *if* you eventually get your hands on it, feedback are welcome in all forms. =)

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 2:50
by Shinobi221
You can't beat those good old preview's :wink:

Go on give us a link 8)

It makes all those people who download it first feel special :lol:

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 8:23
by ifadeo
hmm, wrath of the demon.... i'm currently working also on this title.... :wink:

well, it's no dance remix and that's good.... real nice mellow remix, good
selection of sounds... the ending remembers me of oxygen....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 10:15
by Sonic Wanderer
Well, we can all se where this poll is headed, so here's the link:

<A HREF=" ... .mp3">Just click here!!! (Or right-click and 'Save As')</A>

It's "Wrath Of The Demon" (Subtune 1) by David Whittaker and Steve Douglas. Done in a mellow moviescore kind of way.

And yes, Infadeo, it might remind you of Oxygene by Jarre. I'm heavily influenced by his work, and that bass:ish breathe-sounds is very alike one he used on the rendez-vous album. 8)

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 10:31
by ifadeo
hey sonyic, it's called 'ifadeo' not 'infadeo'...... :lol:

btw. did you know if there's a soft version of that famous 'Elka-Synth'...

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 10:32
by merman
Hehe... I would have downloaded it last night, if my bloody ISP hadn't been playing up...

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 10:54
by Sonic Wanderer
Ifadeo: Sorry. :oops: Hehe.

Mermy: Did you dl it now then?

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 10:59
by merman
Listening to it as we speak. Lovin' it.

#Fadein, fadeout, klangin, klangout, keep rollin' rollin' rollin'.... :wink:

Posted: 26/11/2003 - 11:39
by ifadeo
merman wrote:#Fadein, fadeout, klangin, klangout, keep rollin' rollin' rollin'.... :wink:
you've got it, the name'ifadeo' cames from in-fade-fade-out... :wink:

@sonic: i hope you did some more tracks with that mellow style....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 27/11/2003 - 11:02
by Sonic Wanderer
For those of you that didn't see the link in the post in the middle of this heap, here it is again:

<A HREF=" ... p3">--LINK TO THE TUNE--</A>

I also inserted it into the first messagepost.


Posted: 27/11/2003 - 15:54
by Maindrian
Hey, I'm doing Wrath of the Demon too! Its subtune 3, but damn. I thought I was going to get there first. :P

Anyways, this is some good shiznit. Quite mellow. I like. :wink:

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 7:28
by Sonic Wanderer
Some might not like that I've put in just as much own melody as original material in this the "late" note from the original is still in here too...... wouldn't wanna ruin the glory of the old masterpieces completely. =)

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:46
by tas
You already know what i think sonic =)

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 12:37
by XGener8or
This one is fabulous man. Congrats :D
plus the "late" note from the original is still in here too.
Heh I hadn't heard the original and was about to complain about that note before I heard it :lol: