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Release: Family (Hard'n Heavy)

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 8:18
by LMan
This is a remix of the title music from the game "Hard 'n Heavy". The original was composed by Chris Hülsbeck. I dedicate this remix to all my family, but especially to my loving wife Natascha, and to our twin sons Luca and Noah, who sadly never lived to see the light of the day. We'll always remember you! :cry:

Not only to us, but to several other community members, the recent times have been sad and troubled. In such times, the importance of family gets more obvious than ever. I think a sense of family unity is something the world's civilised cultures have to desperately learn again. It opens your heart for other people's needs, and helps you get through hard times.

But now for the music! :)

Download the tune here:

<a href=" - Family (Hard n Heavy).mp3"><img src= width=12 height=12 border=0> <b>LMan - Family (Hard n Heavy).mp3</b></a>

I hope you enjoy it.

Have a nice day,

- Markus :)

Re: Release: Family (Hard'n Heavy)

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 9:30
by Markus Schneider
LMan / Remix64 wrote:In such times, the importance of family gets more obvious than ever. I think a sense of family unity is something the world's civilised cultures have to desperately learn again. It opens your heart for other people's needs, and helps you get through hard times.
Just sneaked in to say I fully agree to your words, Markus.

PS: Very emotional piece of music. Just listening to it some times.

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 10:33
by merman
As Markus Schneider said, a very emotional piece - beautifully done.

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 10:35
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Nice piece! The drums are a bit 80'ies, Top Gun was the first that came to my mind when listening!

Well done!

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 10:43
by LMan
Yeah, 80s ballad was the style I had in mind :)

Thanks for the nice comments!!

Posted: 22/01/2004 - 11:50
by tas
beautiful, yet sad, yet hopeful, yet reflective. A very stiring piece.

Posted: 23/01/2004 - 20:19
by hoomish
JUst downloaded it... great track, very emotive. I can see why you dedicated it to your family; it has that kinda warm, loving feeling... :wink:

Posted: 23/01/2004 - 20:59
by ifadeo
lovely and emotional.... and optimistic...... :D

overall, a very good remix....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 21:07
by Infamous
great piano work at the start... it has a beautiful set sound.. very rich very vibrant and alive really emotive, im having to find the original to get to see what you was working with.

it has a real end of a film quality to it, the good guy's walked out of the firey warehouse where he just dropped a car on the bad guys head or something.. and his wife is standing looking lost shouting his name.. and they set eyes on each other.. screen drops to widescreen they stand close together and embrace in a loving manner as the credits role.

there is some wonderful guitar near the end of this tune too that i REALLY like.. and i love the creshendo effect, a nice build with the guitar and sploosh! back down again.. so very 80's so very ^^^ above hehe.

someone made a comment about the drums.. i think they fit 100 percent perfect in what is being done here, this is a wonderful tune and very faithfull to the original sid... absolutely great markus :-).

and i tip my hat at what its dedicated too... a just and true cause.
family.. love.. and health all you need in this life people.

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 1:48
by Chris Huelsbeck
What a wonderful remix... thanks very much, I love it! :)


Posted: 28/01/2004 - 10:15
by Kenz
Lovely stuff, very thought provoking - nice work LMan.

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 10:58
by arvirus
great work, markus! one of the best remixes i heard during the last time!


Posted: 28/01/2004 - 20:10
by Dumper
Excellent work LMan, well done.

Posted: 30/01/2004 - 6:59
by LMan
Hi all,

thanks everyone for the very nice words. I appreciate this very much, thank you!

Have a nice day,

- Markus :)