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My website - with own hosting of the tunes.

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 20:26
by Sonic Wanderer
For those that want to check all my stuff out.

All my remixes and other stuff (just 1 tune so far) on own server.


Posted: 28/01/2004 - 23:50
by stryyker

Posted: 29/01/2004 - 14:39
by C64GLeN
Yup, down for me toooo.

"Cannot find server or DNS Error"

Posted: 29/01/2004 - 15:18
by Matrix
Its not down, its there, but theres bugger all code on it:

Code: Select all


    <title>Artistic Noise - Home of Sonic Wanderer</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Musical x-periments">
    <meta name="keywords" content="c64, commodore, music, remix, spacepop, spacesynth, synthesizer, trance">

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  <frameset onLoad="JavaScript:popup()" rows="*,1" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO">
    <frame src="" name="dot_tk_frame_content" scrolling="auto" noresize>



Posted: 29/01/2004 - 22:24
by Sonic Wanderer
Nope. It *was* down when you guys tried. It's up right now again. 8)

Posted: 30/01/2004 - 0:27
by stryyker
Matrix, you have the .tk source which is a redirect which the proper site was down. Thankfully working now :)

Posted: 30/01/2004 - 19:19
by Dumper
Hey Sonic, are you working on any remixes at the moment?