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A real treat for the masses!!!! Timelimited!

Posted: 05/03/2004 - 14:28
by Sonic Wanderer
Hey, y'all!

First of all, this post is also a <B>*POLL*</B>, so please state your oppinion above. :wink:

In the line of the "progression not regression", I am now taking a step forward and offering everyone that wants a real, genuine treat. =)

<B>I *give away* the complete sourcefile for my "Beyond The Zero" remix.</B> :shock: :shock: :shock: :D :!: :!:

It's in Reason 2.5 self-containing file format (was originally v1.0, but I had to change some tags and saved it in 2.5), and uses Rebirth as slave device.
It's OK to play without Rebirth, but then you don't get the whole feel of it. 8)

The file can be downloaded from --> <A HREF=" ... s">HERE</A> <--<BR>

Note that it will *only* be available from this moment until the evening of Sunday, March 7th, Swedish time.

Enjoy, and may you learn a thing or two while you're at it!!!!


Posted: 05/03/2004 - 14:34
by Retrovertigo
Yummy! :D

Posted: 05/03/2004 - 14:48
by Chris Abbott
Aw, you beat me to it :) You rock, however.


Posted: 05/03/2004 - 19:04
by ifadeo
i've same idea some weeks ago, i send some of my sourcefiles to
dr.future and monty....

i also have some unfinshed remix tunes (only the sounds are missing...) like:

future knight 1 & 2 and kruemelmonster (look under games/k)
maybe someone like to finsh them...???

btw. sonar or midi format....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 05/03/2004 - 19:35
by Vosla
As I am playing around with the free version of Renoise, I guess your stuff isn't really useful for me for I am far from being a musician but it's a great idea to share it with us all ! :D

Posted: 07/03/2004 - 17:59
by Sonic Wanderer
<B>The file is now taken offline again.</B>

Hope those that actually showed interest in it will have use for it.
I also hope other people will follow this initiative.

Thanks to those that showed the appreciation.
