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Newcomers on ROTY 2002?

Posted: 03/02/2003 - 11:52
by Rafael Dyll
Hey guys,

After some absence, I was just reading through the remixer of the year results when I noticed that people like Machinae or Abbot are on the best newcomer list. I thought best newcomer 2002 should be for that year. Don't get me wrong - the guys are great, but I should have thought that only remixers that have started in 2002 should have been nominated. So I could have voted for Mahoney I guess... :?:


Posted: 03/02/2003 - 12:18
by Markus Schneider
Hi Rafael,

you are still alive ... puhhh, fine ?
How things are going ?
I think the people who voted for Chris or MS had the same problem like all newcomers had. You don't know who is a newbee or who is not.
Some people voted anyway, while I did not (for newcomer)....

Yep... still alive

Posted: 03/02/2003 - 15:38
by Rafael Dyll

I was away on business in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark... quite some stress...

We need to talk of course, I *promise* to call you some time this week. :oops:

Actually, I made the effort to check the downloads and see who joined in 2002 and did a good job of it. :wink:

If I had not, I would have probably not voted at all. :mrgreen:
