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Castle Master (last request, I promise!)

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:50
by hoomish
Once again, I can't believe no one has remixed this yet! The only tune in the SID is actually a 1-1 cover of the Amiga version, but I think it's ripe for remix as it's a very emotive piece.

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:53
by merman
Hoomish, I'm in pole position in your thread again :D

Castle Master IS very atmospheric, definitely needs some thunder crashes and wind noise (no, not Kenz and his "wind" recordings) to set off a slow, medieval remix.

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:54
by hoomish
Glad you agree... not sure about the noises though... it would have to be done sensitively otherwise it could easily sound very cheesy.

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 11:01
by merman
What I meant by noises was similar to Follin's Ghouls'n' Ghosts or Staff of Karnath - a few sounds at the start to make an atmosphere of the cold, wet, dark castle. Also, check out Waz's Halloween or X-Files rainstorm SIDs - very nice atmosphere.