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The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally now for sale

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 7:29
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Hi there!

The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally is now up for sale at and in a few days also from Chris Abbott and his

The CD contains 13 tracks:
International Karate / Rob Hubbard
Human Race, subtune 4 / Rob Hubbard
Think Cross / Markus Schneider
Mermaid Madness / Fred Gray
Shamus Case II
Black Lamp, subtune 3 / Tim Follin
Think Twice III / Jeroen 'Red' Kimmel
Armageddon Man / David Whittaker
Sweet / Johannes Bjerregård
Comic Bakery / Martin Galway
Task III / Frank Endler
Breakdance / Beck-Tech and Tony Ngo
Spy vs. Spy® (Live! at BitLive 2004 in London)

All of the tracks features vocals by Visa Röster, my six-person a cappella group. Some of these tracks can be downloaded from r : k : o for free (search for Mahoney and you'll find them!), but if you want them in full CD-quality glory, this CD is the place to get it.

If you feel like supporting Back in Time Live, please buy the CD from Chris Abbott , since every penny you pay him goes directly to him. He personally lost some 6000 euros on the last BitLive concert in London, and he needs all the support he can get! :D

Re: The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally now for sale

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 7:43
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:Spy vs. Spy® (Live! at BitLive 2004 in London)
What happened to First Star not wanting to have this track on a remix CD? And more importantly; will there be an "upgrade" option for people who bought the first-edition of the CD? :D

... If not at least I'll have two bootlegged 30-second clips from the Swedish Dorm rehearsal. :D

Re: The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally now for sale

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 8:11
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:What happened to First Star not wanting to have this track on a remix CD? And more importantly; will there be an "upgrade" option for people who bought the first-edition of the CD? :D
First Star Software (having the right to the C64 game Spy vs. Spy, but not the graphics or the Spy vs. Spy concept) allowed us to put this track on the CD (without graphics). However, their reply was a little bit slow and it was impossible for us to get the Spy vs. Spy song on the CD before BitLive. :wink:

Anyway, the upgrade option comes next summer, with the BitLive DVD - there you'll get all of BitLive, Live and beautiful! Or even better, give your signed first-edition CD to somebody for Christmas, and buy a new one from Chris! :wink:

Re: The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally now for sale

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 9:06
by Makke
The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally is now up for sale at and in a few days also from Chris Abbott and his
And it is highly recommended! :D

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 9:18
by Chris Abbott
Sorry, I've been a bit slow as usual. I'll get my minion working on putting CDs into cases, and make a purchase option available.

Meanwhile: thanks Pex :)


Posted: 01/10/2004 - 9:19
by Matrix
Wahhh im torn in half !! - do i buy one from Pex and ask for the band to sign it.... or do I order from Chris a support his waining straining bank balance ?

WAAAAaaaahhhhhhh oh thats So not fair ! lol ...

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 10:54
by Schlicky
Lemme know when its in the shop Chris, need to order that and Crystal Dreamscapes to complete my collection...

did you get me email about the BIT1 Companion CD ?


Posted: 01/10/2004 - 11:22
by Chris Abbott
> did you get me email about the BIT1 Companion CD ?
Not yet: wondering what to say :) I don't sell it any more, and I'm kind of wondering why you want to buy it. Although it IS kind of retro now, and features some remixes now lost in the mists of time (such as those nuked from RKO in the big purge a while back).


Posted: 01/10/2004 - 12:07
by Schlicky
Thats exactly why ! Thought I had my copy with my BIT1 cd like I do with Bit2, but seemed to have misplaced it..

It was just a wondering thought really.


Re: The CD *** Commodore 64 *** Vocally now for sale

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 12:11
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:Anyway, the upgrade option comes next summer, with the BitLive DVD - there you'll get all of BitLive, Live and beautiful! Or even better, give your signed first-edition CD to somebody for Christmas, and buy a new one from Chris! :wink:
Give a signed first-edition - from before you guys became famous (ie. I bought it before the concert) - away? Not a chance - I'm not even gonna eBay it. :D

Of course, if the cd sleeve is unchanged I could just get the new version from Chris and swap sleeves. Although that would be faking it. :D

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 15:21
by merman
I have the same dilemma Jan. I want to support Chris, but can I really justify buying the same CD twice? :lol:

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 15:49
by Chris Abbott
> but can I really justify buying the same CD twice?
Alternatively you could visit me in my cardboard box in a year or two and give some change ;-)

Posted: 01/10/2004 - 19:46
by Jan Lund Thomsen
merman wrote:I have the same dilemma Jan. I want to support Chris, but can I really justify buying the same CD twice? :lol:
Alternatively you could purchase it from the VR site (thus gaining the possibility of getting a signed copy) and donate whastever profit VR would otherwise have passed on to Chris to the BITLive fund. Of course it'll set you back a couple of quid extra, but it should make you feel better on all other counts. :wink:

Posted: 02/10/2004 - 0:06
by madfiddler
Excellent. An awesome buy...

Posted: 02/10/2004 - 11:18
by xo
Matrix wrote:Wahhh im torn in half !! - do i buy one from Pex and ask for the band to sign it.... or do I order from Chris a support his waining straining bank balance ?

WAAAAaaaahhhhhhh oh thats So not fair ! lol ...
Why you buy two of course and give one away to an unsuspecting person who might become a remix addict. :-)