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This week on SLAYradio!

Posted: 22/11/2004 - 16:31
by tas

We have a bumper line-up this week at SLAYradio with no less than 4 Live shows!

Tuesday: 20:00 CET, Tas returns for a long overdue show. So long it seems that the last time he was live was when he was 3. The series of shows goes on with Tas’s normal “does this button do that?” type of show! Often comical, more often embarrassing but it’s all part of the fun… Tune in and find out!

Wednesday: 20:00 CET, it’s not the Z-show but it is BOZ and he’s back with his bit of bollocks. You have to feel sorry for him, I mean a bit of bollocks I guess would make him infertile. His show however will stir the loins of any female fan with his unpredictable and often entertaining style. Be there! It’s all good fun!

Saturday: 18:00, It’s skitz again back with his regular Saturday slot. It’s a seriously good time to tune in while your missus takes 4 hours just to get ready. Women eh? Get in the mood for your Saturday night out by listening to DJ Skitz Live! You know you want to!, infact, you know you need to!

Sunday: 20:00 CET The famous or maybe infamous Z-show with Kenz and Boz returns. It’s seriously fun and very entertaining. You know the picture by now “sex, drugs and rock’n Roll” it isn’t. It’s more “fart, laugh and be drunk!”. PERFECT!!!!!

You can only find these shows LIVE at SLAYradio. And if you miss out, then you REALLY do miss out!