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I'm Back!!!! :) and have Some NICE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 1:22
by Analog-X64
I made a small mention in one of the threads that was off to the U.S. well I'm back and I have some photos of a place called FunSpot which is located in New Hampshire, U.S.A.

This place is a Retro Dream, its like going back in Time.. All the Arcade Games you can think of from when you were a teenager up and running in their full Glory. I've posted a bunch of pictures here.

Sorry for the bad color / some fuzzy. I didnt have a tripod with me and the digital camera I got does a bad job in low light, which is what this arcade is like dark low lighting. Oh and the great music that they pump through the speakers. All Classic 80's Tunes!!!