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A possible new idea?

Posted: 20/12/2005 - 21:04
by Marfleet
Hi, im not sure this is a new idea or not, but im working on a new piece!
Its a mixture of some of the Amiga tunes! So far i have done the introduction and its the introduction of Pinball Dreams! And i know that if the idea is to work, i need to know what other tunes people would like in the piece! So i ask u, what pieces would u like to hear in this multi remix?

I have thought of Gianna Sisters, Speedball, Elf,

Also i should inform u that its only in midi form

Thnx for any helpful tunes u might suggest! Also tell me if u want the tune to be slow or fast or anything!

Posted: 23/12/2005 - 14:06
by Matthew Cannon
I've considered remixing Elf.

Get a good Harp sample and you're half way there :wink:


Posted: 23/12/2005 - 18:56
by 1337
Hey bro,

Glad you showed me to your post. I'd consider someting easier than Elf to start off with. How about doing something like Gianna Sister's at first, we used to play that more often so it's a tune you're more familiar with.

To anyone who remembers me from a few months back, Marfleet is my brother. He's really good with music... I'm only good at pressing play on the MP3 (such is life).

I admire Romeo Knight, Machinae Supremacy, Lagerfeldt, and DeAdLy_cOoKiE, and I'm sure that given some time to get used to a program, my brother will eventually do as well. I'd have to learn from scratch if I was to remix something, I know virtually nothing about music, only how to listen.

btw...You'll get to hear more from both of us. I know I vanished for a while, but I've been busy getting engaged and preparing myself to move to the USA (I'm marrying an American guy from Arizona), and quitting my job which was leaving me no time to spend with my folks at home. I'll get another, but hopefully PART TIME work.

Things are going well for me, and I hope everyone is OK and that you all have a nice Christmas (Yule, or whatever everyone celebrates at this time of year... I Celebrate yule on the 21st and Christmas on the 25th with my family. I'm pagan but still Celebrate christmas as a time to be with my family).