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Free industrial music!

Posted: 24/12/2005 - 9:46
by Mog
Our new EP 'Mutate and Survive' is now available for download:

I'm afraid it isn't C64 related, but some may like it anyway. :wink:


Yes, I'm in a band! Fear me!

Posted: 25/12/2005 - 7:06
by Xelebes
I'll give it a listen, yo!

Posted: 25/12/2005 - 10:01
by Chris Abbott
Merry Industrial Xmas Mog, you cunningly labelled lady :)


Posted: 16/01/2006 - 22:52
by Mog
Hello, I'm back again, sorry. I just thought it might be worth clarifying that 'industrial' doesn't necessarily mean a dalek singing over a typewriter.

Meanwhile, our latest press release:

XYKOGEN.Transhuman apocalypse cult. Reality hacker terror cell. Self owned Corporate Whores.


For Immediate Release.

23/12/05 - MUTATE & SURVIVE EP Released as Free Download.
03/01/06 - MUTATE & SURVIVE EP Deleted. We have been slashdotted. Totally.
12/01/06 - MUTATE & SURVIVE EP ReReleased as Free Download. Hows that as a timescale for being sold out of the first run and going to second pressing Music Industry?

Mp3s and Full Cover Art available for FREE Download Available from

The Debut EP featuring Mutate & Survive, Killing Method & Kick plus remixes from DeathBoy, Mark Eris, DJ Echo, temp0rary, Biodrone, Freudstein, History of Guns and Snuff Radio.

This is your Will to Power.


Posted: 17/01/2006 - 7:19
by Vosla
Had a listen to it and gave it to 2 other people.

Funny that I didn't told them my opinion but both separately came up with the same idea/feeling that the singer doesn't really fit the music style (vocals sound a bit too goth).

But otherwise we think it's very worth listening if you like the style. (Though the other two fancied the remixes over the original).