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What do you think about this?

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 5:46
by daXX

sorry... links are death...

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 16:09
by raspi
That Odyssey part 1 is awesome, it MUST be finished! :D

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 16:30
by Infamous
ok i agree the odyssee one MUST be finished.. that sounds absolutely brilliant.

i like the fullcontact one too. despite the panpipe flutes (trust me live in essex long enough and you'll wonder if theres anyone left in peru)

and the interceptor tune is pretty damn fine too..

all damn good efforts, imo? .. finish them all! :D

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 18:48
by Vosla
I'll have an ear on all three this eve.

All three are nice, finish Odyssee 1 & Full Contact Demo. :)

If I had to wish for something here, it would be a less tracker-like approach on Odyssee & FC Demo. Guess it's the choice of samples that gives me that tracker feeling... ;)

As I'm lacking any musical talent I have difficulties to notice significant changes on Odyssee except for some samples but that's surely my fault. Seems very difficult to me to change that without ruining the look & feel of the original. :oops:

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 3:48
by daXX
I have finished the Odyssey Part 1 now...

I changed a lot of things... I played the Brasses with more voices, some edits in mastering because to much bass-frequences and indeed arranged the rest of part 1 ... the final melodys was hard for me... i spend over 2 hours in it... lol This Remix is 100% self played... i don't used midi to realize it.

cheers :wink:

Posted: 08/03/2006 - 7:17
by daXX
Ok you don't know why i remix all the odyssey Songs... i will show you a preview... CoreTRS and me work on a "Reloaded" Version from the Odyssey Demo... :wink:


Posted: 11/03/2006 - 8:13
by arvirus
DaxxTRS wrote:Ok you don't know why i remix all the odyssey Songs... i will show you a preview... CoreTRS and me work on a "Reloaded" Version from the Odyssey Demo... :wink:

You remember at this ?
great! i always loved this demo! will this be a video or a "coded" demo?

Posted: 11/03/2006 - 10:18
by daXX
Hi.. It will be a DVD Video... But we will create a DivX Avi too...
I think all will love to watch it on TV. :wink:

We are only 3 people now and i think this Project need a lot of time. We appreciate that it will be next year finished. At this time we work on Part 1. The (name removed) Scroll inside the Desert is near finished.

So if someone has knowlege about Videorenderings and Videowork with Aftereffects , Studio Max 3D or something else feel free and post here your ideas. =)

Posted: 18/03/2006 - 20:18
by daXX
is that a blame or not ? 415 views , 2 GB traffic on my server and ONLY 3 votes ?

no comment......

Posted: 18/03/2006 - 22:03
by Kenz
Well, the music sounds pretty damn good to me! (Sorry, arrived too late to register my "this sounds cool" vote! :D

This reminds me of the Frontier project my chum Mat Recardo did ... He basically remade the intro to the Amiga game in Lightwave - and he did the Another World intro too. Check out his stuff on

Maybe you guys could collaborate on this? I'd love to see a remake of the Odyssey demo!

Posted: 18/03/2006 - 22:49
by Markus Schneider
Ahh, jeez, Kenz.
An 80% orchestral Frontier rests on my harddisk and waits to be finished. :shock:

Posted: 19/03/2006 - 0:19
by Kenz
Now THAT is something I would like to hear! :D

Posted: 19/03/2006 - 10:42
by Feekzoid
Just adding my input..

Loved the original demo, a couple of real classic musics in there, the spinny planets intermission piece, and the finale being firm favourites - hope you're using a decent real bass sound for that final part! :D

The idea of a visual rendering of the demo is cool also.

Listened to the first remixed piece. It v good, perhaps the timpani's are alittle too "fixed" in their volume, i find they tend to work better in constantly changing volumes.

Vocal choir very good.. but I'm not 100% happy with the brass - something that is so often very hard to nail right.

Oooh... part 2 is lush sounding. Very very nice indeed.

Part 3, not a big fan of the original piece - but you got a very meaty interpretation here.

Very very good in all :D

Posted: 19/03/2006 - 10:48
by Feekzoid
Full contact - another fab Amiga piece. Not sure about some of the slides you're using in places.

I think we're a bit spoilt with Full Contact, since Allister Brimble did his own lush version of fully synthy goodness many years ago.

Cant comment on F18 as I dont remember the original piece at all!

Posted: 19/03/2006 - 14:48
by daXX

thx for your replies... Timpani Sounds can be fixed.. of course.. :) I used allready a lot of Velocity Volume Effects but it can be little bit more ^^

Brasses: I can try to use some softer Brasses in work with the hard brasses now... =)

I've downloaded the wmv video and will watch it now... Maybe i can contact them if they are interested to work with us on this monsterproject.
