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Skyscraper has left the building from RADIO (name removed)

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 6:50
by Skyscraper
please read the follow link: ... a8020e1f9c

(Sorry it´s in german !)

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 6:58
by ifadeo
wtf, he hacked your computer???

he`s somekind of a stalker!!

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 7:06
by tas
He's one very odd cookie that fella!

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 10:24
by Chappers
Because I'm curious (and a nosey twonk, to boot!), can someone translate that link into English and relate what's interesting from it? :)

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 11:01
by FFRenzy
Chappers wrote:Because I'm curious (and a nosey twonk, to boot!), can someone translate that link into English and relate what's interesting from it? :)
It's a bit too much too translate fully, but it seems that Skyscraper accuses (name removed) from hacking his computer and removing files, after which Skyscraper's computer didn't work anymore. (name removed) denies this ( of course ).

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 11:01
by Skyscraper
I had the problem that I can´t understand the thing with Manuel.

But the time which I have spend with him I have learned much about him.

And I must say that you´ve right in all aspects.

He is a hacker and my pc is broken in dma.

I have a big problems with him.

Sorry that I thinking the problems coming from your community all the time.

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 11:18
by ifadeo
someone should call the mighty 'c64 mafia'..... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 13:12
by Chappers
FFRenzy wrote:
Chappers wrote:Because I'm curious (and a nosey twonk, to boot!), can someone translate that link into English and relate what's interesting from it? :)
It's a bit too much too translate fully, but it seems that Skyscraper accuses (name removed) from hacking his computer and removing files, after which Skyscraper's computer didn't work anymore. (name removed) denies this ( of course ).
Ah, I see. This tale gets curiouser and curiouser.

Thanks for your help, FFRenzy. :)

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 14:17
by Lexx
The Radio (name removed) guy won't admit anything right now but if he doesn't behave & calm down...i have a feel that something might happen to him soon. U know guyz...he made alot of friends latly & i don't think they allow him endless devilish treatment.

I think Manuel is in on extrem pressure now because everything seems against him, the loyalty of the closest friend isn't enough in that chase as the publicity of his station is about to become a ruin.

In his matter i wouldn't giveup, ....just take a few months off, relaxing & meditating about the last events then standup for a change. Which means hereby a new schema to his radio programm & so therefore a reorientation to an another audience because as retro-station ....he lost.

He should have been more patience as like slayradio. Also me & my community-project suffers a loose of members. We never had 100 members or more allthough the Fanpage Huelsbeck project was founded in Summer 2001, runs as official Fanpage since 2002 & we are also linked with directly but we do still expierence a lack of interest on Fanpage Forum.

It might be as u guyz told / suggested to Radio (name removed) Fanpage Huelsbeck was mainly oriented to the german language...even when Switzeland, Germany & Austria is involved but this 3 countries don't represent the whole retro-szene / world. As for this cognition, the language problem, i take it seriös i try to finishing the translation of the english-part / Fanpage Huelsbec as soon as possible. It was online before but just as unfished. And refering to the Fanpage is open to english tongue too even when there are threads in german. Just as sideinfo for those who always have been interested to join us but felt they could annoy us with english.

Ok i have not much members and only 20 to 50 visitors per day (my ip excluded) i should harm on Remix64 to & spam them as i must do it cause of dissapointment & enviousness. :lol: :wink:

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 14:22
by 2more
He never gives up, huh..
That guy already started to argue with me and put on a big mouth after I sent him an email saying that I would cancel my account in his forum :roll:

It seems this guy only wants to distinguish himself everywhere he appears..

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 14:57
by Lexx
Probably he suffers ...manic-depression & schizophrenic. That might be possible as he seems to change thoughts very often. First he is friendly, later he starts fights with people then after he takes responsiblity & feels sorry for his acts.

I know 2 people personaly from my neighborhood who act as him & show the same moment very happy...then compleltly down & destrutive to self in the other moment. It isn't proven that Manuel has to be a person with a bad character at all but why can't the closest friends or perents not handle him any better. Guyz with manic-depressio are more sensible than normal people. Example...if they loose turns to them like a apocalypse, then the self-defense, which is absolut normal, get start but in a more agressiv attitude. People with manic-depression need more attention & love then normals which might be the proof why Manuel lacks of stability.

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 15:04
by Vosla
I can't understand him. Perhaps I don't want to. It's better he travels down his own path now... maybe into oblivion. But we can't help him from here.

What's left of this is just a sore feeling.

All I could do now, is to wish him a moment of self knowledge. :(

@Skyscraper: You've misunderstood his and our intentions. No bad feelings, dude. Welcome back!

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 15:06
by 2more
Manic-depressions or not doesn't excuse how he is acting. I mean there's still a power switch which you can use if you're close to explode and do stupid stuff and I don't understand people acting like that, especially on the internet.

It could be so easy if he would say "You do your thing, I do my thing", like he pretends on his own website - but no, it seems that only his point of view counts and everyone else has no idea of anything.

Posted: 24/07/2006 - 15:42
by Lexx
2more wrote:Manic-depressions or not doesn't excuse how he is acting. I mean there's still a power switch which you can use if you're close to explode and do stupid stuff and I don't understand people acting like that, especially on the internet.

It could be so easy if he would say "You do your thing, I do my thing", like he pretends on his own website - but no, it seems that only his point of view counts and everyone else has no idea of anything.
I don't know the guy & his forum. I once registered for arround 2 months ago as i knew that n-trax & (name removed) were in a partnership due Andre's Music.
But also that seems to be past now. What (name removed) has to learn is to "learn" from his own misstakes & on days...when his sickness takes controll over his stay back & wait until his mind calms down.

As i wrote, ...if he realy suffers manic-depression then he has to take medicine that has, when it's cheaper ones, many sideffects. So according to will be always hard with (name removed) & i don't think that this illness can beh healed. I have two great examples in my realife...i just have to see at this two women that live in the same building. With one difference...the older one buys more expensive medication & has less side-ffects. The last side-effects remains for her entire life...u need to controll ur meals....otherwise u get rapidly fat. It's sounds funny but is no joke. :)