Page 1 of 5 returns 11th April!

Posted: 04/04/2007 - 17:28
by Chris Abbott
During Boz's show, will relaunch with the new site, and hopefully some special offers announced on air by the Bozmeister!

The new site is a music download site as well as a CD shop, with loads of easter eggs, free tracks, and other stuff.

Newly launched are:

The Return of Nexus 6581 in CD form (limited stocks only)
"Eternal 01:04 - by FTC"
The return of a shitload of BIT Live related content, free to download...
Loads more!

Also the shop has a referrer system so if you refer a user to the shop you get 5% of their purchases :) (and no, you can't refer yourself).

iTunes move over, we had the ideas first!



Posted: 05/04/2007 - 10:15
by Chris Abbott
Project Galway:

"There are 786 full/premium files instantly downloadable when you purchase this product"


Posted: 05/04/2007 - 12:17
by Kenz
786 Galway goodies??!!



Posted: 11/04/2007 - 19:05
by StormKeeper
Chris Abbott wrote:Project Galway:

"There are 786 full/premium files instantly downloadable when you purchase this product"

Nice... what if you bought Project Galway previously? >_>

Posted: 11/04/2007 - 19:55
by Chris Abbott
I'm trying to get around to retrofitting people's owned products to their previous orders...


Posted: 11/04/2007 - 21:05
by Subzero

Posted: 12/04/2007 - 8:00
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:I'm trying to get around to retrofitting people's owned products to their previous orders...

Would that work if stuff was bought at the Bit Live events?

Posted: 12/04/2007 - 8:06
by Chris Abbott
dan gillgrass wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:I'm trying to get around to retrofitting people's owned products to their previous orders...

Would that work if stuff was bought at the Bit Live events?
Not without telepathy, but if someone emailed me saying "I bought so and so at BIT Live" and it sounds plausible, I might add the products ;-)


Posted: 12/04/2007 - 8:07
by Subzero
I bought so and so over the years....bleh!!

Posted: 13/04/2007 - 6:56
by RetroMarkie
New shop looks ace Chris ... well played mate.

Posted: 13/04/2007 - 7:18
by Chris Abbott
Thanks, though at the moment I'm getting that "BIT Live 1" feeling all over again: big posh place, and no people (well, there are people visiting, I can see them, but they're not buying). I still believed that giving people this kind of opportunity would result in more interest: loads more content, loads more opportunities to buy, offer more than the record companies, etc. I'm beginning to wonder....

All I can say is that it's lucky I was able to justify the time spent on that system to use for another website. There has to be a time when I can say "The website is fine, it's everything it should be. It's just no one's interested."


I'm very disappointed.


Posted: 13/04/2007 - 10:09
by LMan
I assume such things take some time to take off, don't be disappointed just yet. :)

Posted: 13/04/2007 - 13:36
by Subzero
chris remember this 'If you build it, they will come'

Give it some time mate :)

Posted: 13/04/2007 - 16:15
by Makke
I'm sure once word gets around a bit (and the paychecks come in) I'm sure people will get off their arses and order. :)

Just say the word if you want me to go through all my old Binary Baby-stuff to see if there's something worth putting on there. Some karaoke versions perhaps. ;)

Posted: 13/04/2007 - 16:32
by Chris Abbott
Makke wrote:I'm sure once word gets around a bit (and the paychecks come in) I'm sure people will get off their arses and order. :)

Just say the word if you want me to go through all my old Binary Baby-stuff to see if there's something worth putting on there. Some karaoke versions perhaps. ;)
Some good Binary Baby stuff for bonuses would be cool. I'm still hanging onto the handwritten letter explaining the CD you wrote me: I think I might scan it ;-)

I've got to fix the referer function so it uses something more anonymous than emails...
