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Your Life Theme Song

Posted: 15/04/2007 - 6:12
by agent4125
I read somewhere on the internet that we're really all just video game characters being played by someone in another dimension.

Ok, maybe that's not true, but if it were... AND we're really inside of a giant C=64 (work with me here)...

What do you think the theme song is for YOUR life? (SID, not remix)

For me, I wish it were Nemesis the Warlock, really, but if I'm honest, it's probably Action Biker.

It starts off pretty normal, if a little dopey. But anyone listening to it for more than 5 minutes is likely to go mad. I have reason to suspect the person controlling my life is a vegetable at this point. Plus, I'm pretty clumsy driver, though I haven't tried driving on the local roller coaster yet.

Ok, so what's your theme song?

Posted: 15/04/2007 - 20:19
by Tonka
My life music?

'Manic Miner' - boring, repetitive and sometimes quite painful... ;)

Re: Your Life Theme Song

Posted: 16/04/2007 - 6:52
by omoroca
agent4125 wrote:Ok, so what's your theme song?
I hope you know that this is a really weird question! But as I'm a weirdo too, I thought about it, and I think for me it's Wally Beben's Tetris.

Starts very quiet and simple and for the first 3 minutes you don't even expect it to be a good tune. But then it turns out to be a 20-minute opus with sampled sounds, and the further the song goes on, the more it rocks. ;-)

Posted: 16/04/2007 - 10:40
by tmx
hehe The Last Ninja for sure. In this paralell dimention my actuall ninja skills is pretty rusty lol. But I usued to be quite good at the game, finished both ln1&2 several times with out loosing any lives back in the day. To be honest I mostly played for the music I just love.

My past releases on RKO might reflect this but for sure my uppcoming will. *two more in the queue by now :D and Im just getting started*


Posted: 16/04/2007 - 12:38
by Yoshi
I too played Last Ninja mostly for the music.
Oh, that feeling when I had struggled past the crocodile in Last Ninja Remix level 3 and finally got to hear the music in level 4.. oh boy that joy!

So I'd like to think that one of the Last Ninja tunes is my theme song.
Not just because of Last Ninja but I also find Japan very interesting. Traditional japanese music is very relaxing and traditional Japanese gardens breathakingly beautiful.

When I get filthy rich im going over there. :)

Posted: 16/04/2007 - 12:47
by xo
Oh the pain of choice. Dominator, Last Ninja series, Tusker, Driller, Rambo, Rambo 3, California Games, etc. I'm going to have to go with Last Ninja series. It has the necessary mood span.

Posted: 17/04/2007 - 19:48
by Makke
Madballs. ;)

Posted: 17/04/2007 - 20:02
by tas
Delta's Mixi-load thing... Press a few buttons and fuck knows what you end up with!

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 7:09
by Slaygon
Makke wrote:Madballs. ;)
Hahah! Indeed it must be. :)

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 7:18
by Kenz
Thing On A Spring for me - I'm quite hyper at the mo. :shock:

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 10:49
by Boz
It would have to be Demons of Topaz for me.... think about it ;)

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 14:16
by Ziphoid
Arkanoid. It seems that life always puts up brick walls that needs to be taken down to progress further on. :)

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 16:50
by Vosla
Krakout. But only if I had too much coffee & sugar. :lol:

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 17:38
by trace
I think Henry´s House :)
Cause my house is THAT hard to get somewhere in cause of all the toys and stuff ;)

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 17:43
by Infamous
Omega man ... crazy random yet quite pleasing to the ear.