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Who will be there...

Posted: 28/05/2003 - 20:02
by ifadeo
...I'm looking forward to the Back In Time Live event, I hope there will
be many other remixer,composer & sid-remix lovers...

I'm SURE it's getting a real great event.... :D

btw. look out for the freak in the 2Klang t-shirt, it's me.... :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 31/05/2003 - 15:49
by tom
.. me for example :lol:

Posted: 31/05/2003 - 16:42
by tas
looking good for me to be there.

Posted: 31/05/2003 - 16:43
by ifadeo
tom wrote:.. me for example :lol:
...and that's good 'cause I still haven't make it to
meet you in 'Downtown-Kamen'.... :wink:

cheers 2Klang