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Gear manuals...

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 23:59
by Razmo
yeah... gear manuals and probably also manuals for softsynths I don't know.... but I find it funny, that they almost ALWAYS start them with the words "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PURCHASE OF...."... now is this a normal way in english language to start out? ... I find it funny, and it gives me the impression that I should feel lucky that I purchased THEIR product! :sly: ... I can't help raise my eyebrow everytime I read this... :roll:

In fact I've only seen ONE manual that said: "Thank you for choosing the Machine Drum!" ... now that is the proper way to do it, if you ask me... but then again, that's a sweedish company... I was just wondering if it's normal procedure to write like this in countries with english language?

trivial stuff!? ... yeah... that's why I put it here... forgive me, it's 2:00 at night, and I'm bored! :lol:

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 0:53
by Analog-X64
Most of my older gear were made in Japan and start the same way and have many grammatical errors in them. :)

Donkey Kong as an example is a loose translation of Stupid Monkey, they looked up Stupid in a Japanese dictionary and Donkey came up. :)