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New family member...

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 11:53
by Razmo
Yep!... I've been thinking about it for a long time, and now the decision has been made :) ... I'm going to get me a cat, and I've found him already:



Ain't he cute? :) ... He'll be known as NINJA ... hehe! ... wonder where that came from!? :roll: ... now I wonder if he'll be willing to do some vocal phrases for a Starpaws remix? 8)

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 13:58
by Steve B
too cute !

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 15:21
by merman
Ninja cat is in ur garden, stalking ur enemies :lol:

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 15:27
by ifadeo
sweet... :wink:

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 16:54
by xo
Very cute. I'd recommend a dog as well... dog fights are one thing, dog-cat fights another ;-)

Whoo let the cats out... who, who, who, ho, ho...

"I must warn you - for I have the reflexes of a cat...!"

Posted: 15/08/2007 - 17:58
by Analog-X64
Congratulations and very Excellent...having a cat or dog is nice.

I've got to Dachshund's myself. :) here is a picture of the two monsters.


Posted: 15/08/2007 - 18:11
by Razmo
He he! ... yeah, dogs are fine too :) there is just a few things ... they don't walk themselves (well they shurely would like to but...)... with a cat it's just opening a door, and closing again :wink: ... hehe! ... My father had a dog when I lived at home actually... a Sibirian Husky, so I'm used to dogs allright.

Nice dawgs you've got there AnalogX! ... I'm sure if my stepfather was not allergic to dogs and cats, he'd have such a fella! ... they have between 10-20 cats in avarage where they live living outside, and they often got problems with foxes eating the cats... especially the young kittens :shock: ... they could shurely use a couple of ninja dachshund to teach them foxes a lesson or two! :twisted:

anyways, NINJA lives at my mother and stepfather currently, but I'll be getting him home on wednesday next week, so he'll at least not get eaten :wink: also, gettin' the male cats away from there is essential, as they'll get inbreed problems if they don't. RAZMO TO THE RESCUE!!! 8)

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 20:29
by tas
I don't do animals. As an ex postman i got attacked by far too many dogs to remember, but the worst attack was actually by a cat!??!?! can you believe. Still beats a friend of mine who was taken to hospital after being attacked by a parrot! :lol:

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 20:41
by Razmo
Tas: bummer! :shock: ... don't you have rules for entering properties with dogs in it as a postman? ... I've been a post myself for about one month in feruary this year actualy, and here in Denmark, if we do not feel safe going into a place with a dog, we simply don't do it... when we get back to the post office, we simply report to the boss, and that particalur owner of that dog, will get a note, that he can collect his mail at the post office, or get rid of the dog, or keep it inside the house.... in fact we have maps of "bad dogs" here, and we also get dog bisquits wth us... to befriend the dogs, who sometimes are more happy to see us, than a teenager waiting for their new mobile phone in the mail :lol:

I've never been attacked by a cat in my life, and I've grown up with them actually... as with any other animal, just show them who's boss, and they'll be nice. Dogs though, I'm a little causious with... got "napped" by a large one when I was a kid, so to this day I don't trust any dog, until I've got to know it VERY well.

Unfortunately for me, my left knee simply could not put up with biking 20km, 6 hours a day, and running up and down stairs, so my time as a postman is over... period! :roll:

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 21:01
by Razmo
and well... parrots can be nasty predators as well, I know that...

But NINJA here, will have the luxury of having a place to sleep and eat here in the daytime, ...then he can god damned go outside, if he needs to fight!!!... we have plenty of noisy cats roaming the nights here :) ...guess I'll have to feed him well, so he will get so big, it won't be him coming home with wounds and animal hospital bills! :?

And I'm actually often visited by a small white she-feline, who takes teh privilege to go all the way through my flat, and stare into my studio at night! ... then we just look a bit at each other, and I twist my littlefinger, and she's off like she was chased by a demon (no comments!) ... so you see; I've allready made ready for little NINJA to have a girlfriend! ... ain't I the best owner you could get? 8) ... I mean: Toilet, Food, Lodging, Girlfriend, and all for free? :lol:

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 21:29
by Analog-X64
An ex-co-worker took a secret to he's grave which was, that their Pet Parrot killed a cat that got into their house through the family room window. When he got home from work, he found the bird had some blood on it, than he discovered the mutilated body of a cat. He cleaned the bird and the cat mess etc.. never told the wife.. cause the bird was the Wifes and she loved/loves that bird.
Those things have strong beaks and tallons.

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 21:39
by Razmo
killed by a bird!... must be every cat's worst nightmare! :roll:

Posted: 16/08/2007 - 21:40
by Razmo
no waits!... I'll add to that:

It must be every cats worst nightmare to be killed by a bird... AND then be eaten by rats...

Posted: 17/08/2007 - 2:46
by Analog-X64