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Darth Vader singing Nessun Dorma

Posted: 02/10/2007 - 6:59
by beyond
Ok, I got bored taking some days off from work being ill... So I put this thing together which had been a weird idea for a little while: what would happen if Darth Vader auditioned for Britain's Got Talent? This is the outcome:



Re: Darth Vader singing Nessun Dorma

Posted: 02/10/2007 - 14:41
by C64GLeN
Very funny, and excellently done. I think'll you get a lot of views.

I've also submitted it to digg.

Re: Darth Vader singing Nessun Dorma

Posted: 02/10/2007 - 21:49
by Vosla
Ha Ha Ha! Thank you! Very funny! And the last sentence made me crack. :lol:

Re: Darth Vader singing Nessun Dorma

Posted: 04/10/2007 - 8:32
by Misser
PIMP nice one