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I am surprised!! (Shredz64)

Posted: 11/03/2008 - 9:26
by fac
I hope this isn't a double post, but I cannot remember seeing this here. :shock: :shock:

Now I really really miss my C64!! And I would probably have selected a Wizball SID for that game but perhaps that is just me.

Re: I am surprised!! (Shredz64)

Posted: 11/03/2008 - 9:57
by Chris Abbott
Thanks Fac :)

There's a new fun forum thread for this:


So perhaps we could convene there?

This is even better than the other way round (C64 tunes in real Playstation guitar hero)... and it exists, which is a plus!



Re: I am surprised!! (Shredz64)

Posted: 11/03/2008 - 10:25
by fac
Yeah no need for two threads!

Re: I am surprised!! (Shredz64)

Posted: 11/03/2008 - 16:19
by 7thpixel
I emailed the guy running this projecta while ago.. hmm let me see:

"Hey Man,

Thanks for the note, I appreciate it. I listened to a few of the mixes on
slayradio, they were pretty cool, I'll have to give it more of a listen.
I love any music related to the commodore or amiga in any way (I used to
be absolutely obsessed with amiga sound/music, it had a distinct "flavor"
that I've never heard from another device).

I've been getting most of the SIDs I'm using for Shredz64 from the High
Voltage collection, but there are soooo many on there I can't always find
ones that are particularly good (for every good SID there are like 5
pretty lame ones). That's not to say I haven't found some awesome ones on
there, there are some great renditions of some classic rock songs that fit
perfectly for Shredz. Anyway though, if you have any suggestions for SIDs
that not only sound good but lend themselves well to distinct notes (for
matching up with buttons), let me know, or if you know anyone who might.

Thanks again for your email and keeping up with the project!
