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SID tunes in Guitar Hero!

Posted: 22/10/2008 - 19:01
by necronom
A few nights ago I was trying to convince myself that I should spend £150 on Guitar Hero: World Tour, when I had the most amazing idea. In the new game you can make your own songs to play...

Monty On The Run! :rock: :rock:

Can you imagine how good that would be to play in Guitar Hero?


So, that was the deciding factor. I ordered it. :D

Anyone else getting it, and thinking of making some SID tunes to share? I just hope that I can actually make it in GH (as I'm not a musician), and that Activision don't remove SID covers (they said that they would remove covers made of real songs).

I don't know if songs will be swappable between different console platforms, but I would think they should be able to.

Re: SID tunes in Guitar Hero!

Posted: 25/10/2008 - 15:46
by Lagerfeldt
That's actually a very cool idea. Monty on the Run would work well.

Re: SID tunes in Guitar Hero!

Posted: 25/10/2008 - 17:14
by Mordi
I was pleasantly suprised when they said they would have a SID emulator of some sort in there. Thats awesome.

Re: SID tunes in Guitar Hero!

Posted: 25/10/2008 - 17:54
by necronom
Really? I never heard that. That would be great.

I have just found out that the PS3 version will allow MIDI files to be imported into the recording studio in the game, and I'm currently listening to a midi file of MotR that I hope to import at some point. I don't know if there are any better midi versions, but the one I have is a good starting point.

Unfortunately there are reports that there is a 3 or 4 minute limit on custom made songs and a note limit round about 1000 - 1200 notes, so it would have to be an massively edited version of Monty. :cry: That's surprising, as the MIDI import is there for people to be able to import their own songs, and almost all songs are over 3 or 4 mins (if that is the limit). MIDI files are tiny, so I don't know why the limit is there.

I can get Monty down to 3:45 if I started at 2:05 into the tune (where it repeats the beginning part again), but that misses the second part of the main tune entirely, and it still might be too long for the game :(

I'll have to wait and see.

There are loads of other SID tunes I'd love to play, so I'm sure I'll get some use out of the custom song part.