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Posted: 23/12/2008 - 9:08
by nada
Hi there!

I know I'm not renowned for being a frequent visitor at this forum (I have no connection at home, you see and, above all, my work literally consumes my entire time...) but I decided to post a topic since a series of unfortunate events urged me to make some terminal decisions, lately.

I won't bug you with any details, don't worry, they're actually too many to mention...

The main thing is that I've decided to return to the UK in search for a proper job (and a proper life, if possible). For good.

I'm actually looking for a job as a classics teacher or related (in either Leeds or London, if possible). If any of you knows of any vacancies, or has any information for me, please let me know...

Many thanks in advance guys, I know that you're all willing to help if you can...

Keep groovin'

Re: Relocation

Posted: 23/12/2008 - 9:27
by Vosla
Good luck, m8! :-/

The new year will be a challenge for most of us.

Re: Relocation

Posted: 23/12/2008 - 11:07
by Analog-X64
Yasoo, Tikanis??

Sorry to hear about your troubles and wishing you the best for the future.

Re: Relocation

Posted: 24/12/2008 - 9:04
by nada
Cheers for the good words people!

It's really helpful for someone so frustrated like me...

It seems that, generally, things are getting worse for anybody seeking a proper job nowadays...

Re: Relocation

Posted: 24/01/2009 - 0:14
by Infamous
Yeap Ive been looking and looking since the beginning of the new year and all ive found are dead ends and frankly shit jobs that pay next to nothing, but keep plugging away and eventually the good train will roll again thats the best advice.

Im hoping my soon to happen move to the north of the country will bear far better fruits than whats on offer down here in the south.

Good luck though nada, fingers crossed you find something and get back on your feet.