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C64 Remix 2 - Previews.

Posted: 01/08/2003 - 1:03
by Analog-X64
I'm listening to the Previews for the C64 Remix 2 and I cant wait for its official release :)

All of the artists have done an excellent job and I dont know how everyone pulled it off, but the entire collection fits together nicly they are all orchestral sounding.

As usual Thomas Detert remixes two of my favourite tunes and in my favourite style as well :)

Thomas!!! YOU DA MAN!!! :) <bows to da man, Wishes he can remix like that.>

Your guys are just the best.

Posted: 01/08/2003 - 12:23
by tas
Thanks for your words mate. I'm sure all the members of the team will greatly appreciate this.

Thanks mate.