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Monty on the Run in new commerical song

Posted: 16/08/2003 - 13:29
by Lagerfeldt
Has anybody heard that relatively new pop song which uses the start of Monty on the Run (or from Devil's Gallop more correctly perhaps)? It's the part from 0:10 to 0:30 in song #1.

Don't know the name of the group or song but heard in three times on the radio in the last weeks.

Chris you know this?

Posted: 16/08/2003 - 16:46
by Chris Abbott
Nope. The start of Monty on the Run and Devil's Gallop have different notes, so it should be easy to figure out what it's ripping off (my bet is it rips off Devil's Gallop).

Hmm, perhaps you can get more information next time you hear it :)


Posted: 16/08/2003 - 23:37
by Lagerfeldt
Chris Abbott wrote:Nope. The start of Monty on the Run and Devil's Gallop have different notes, so it should be easy to figure out what it's ripping off (my bet is it rips off Devil's Gallop).

Hmm, perhaps you can get more information next time you hear it :)

Don't know Devil's Gallop, what part(s) of Monty on the Run is taken from Devil's Gallop?

I believe the part used in the song I heard is the 0:10 - 0:30 part of MOTR.

Trying to get the name of it but no luck yet.

Posted: 17/08/2003 - 9:49
by DHS
There are worse things: for example, when you hear at the radio tracks heavily copied from ones you submitted to record labels. :-/

After all, MOTR *is* the devil's gallop, with some minor variations.


Posted: 17/08/2003 - 18:29
by Chris Abbott
> with some minor variations
Like: melody, for instance :)


Posted: 17/08/2003 - 18:40
by Chris Abbott
It's true that you could orchestrate Monty on the run with pretty much exactly the same orchestration as Devil's Gallop if you wanted to, but the melodies are distinct enough that you could say with 100% certainty whether they were covering Monty on the Run, or Devil's Gallop. My money's on "Gallop" because it's much more well known, and has cult appeal through being used on "Monty Python" amongst other things.

Posted: 18/08/2003 - 9:15
by Mayhem
Now I'm intrigued... who did Devils' Gallop and where may I get to hear it?

Posted: 18/08/2003 - 9:45
by Chris Abbott
"It's on the Net", and
"In the end credits of Monty Python when the Spanish Inquisition
are using public transport to get to someone who didn't expect them"


"Dick Barton - Special Agent"

Posted: 18/08/2003 - 11:28
by carlsson
Monty and .. Monty? Was Rob aware of this coincidence when he gained inspiration from the original tune? How about this chain of association and confusion:

* Monty Mole (on the Run) by Gremlin Graphics
* Monty Python (using the galop tune)
* Dick Barton (special agent)
* James Bond (also an agent, music by Monty Norman)
* James Pond (unfortunately by Millennium, not Gremlin)
* Robocod (James Pond II)
* Robocop (SID-music by Jonathan Dunn)
* 5 Little Ditties (where Dunn covers Hubbard's highscore tune from Commando)

Speaking of which, I'm beginning to learn all the words from N-Joy's sung remix.. spooky.

Posted: 18/08/2003 - 11:32
by Steve B
i have it here (Elton John [Bread & Beer Band] - Devil's Gallop (Dick Barton Theme).mp3)
do you want it emailed to you ?
(1.98 Mb)

Posted: 19/08/2003 - 9:46
by Mayhem
My hotmail account wouldn't be able to handle that, but as I'm a big Monty Python fan and have all the episodes on tape, I know the music you are talking about ;)

Funny thing is... first time I heard it post MotR back in the early 90s when MP was being repeated on TV, that's exactly what I thought it sounded like :lol:

Posted: 05/09/2003 - 2:38
by madfiddler
All I know, is MOTR is the devils work, when it comes to playing it on a violin.