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Hello all (and some requests)

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 22:59
by JagdPanther
Hi there all , I am new to this board.

My computerhistory spans from the C64 to the Amiga to the PC.

Most notoriously as a member of the still existing group TRiAD (using a different handle - that I don't want to speak of ;) ).

Anyway, I've been a close follower of the C64 remix scene and to my great enjoyment - I know see the embryo of a Amiga version starting out.

IMO the Amiga is a toughter nut to remix - as the quality (of the instruments) was pretty good to begin with.

What I'd really like is to see some remixes of the old sonix tunes of the Amiga game "Alternate Reality" remixed. I love them tunes but have to resort to running an amiga emulator to get the most out of it.

I know that the composer "Gary Gilbertson" did release a CD a long time ago with his own remixes of the tunes... but sadly this is impossible to get hold of.

Also it'd be nice to see the "Faery Tale adventure" songs get covered.

Thank You

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:05
by tas
ah, i dunno there amiga version of Alternate reality, but i love the main theme of Alternate reality on the c64. Dunno if it's the same game tho or even the same music.


Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:13
by JagdPanther
I believe we're talking about the same game.

It was a roleplaying game.

It was supposed to become a series, but to my knowledge only 2 parts came to the C64 ("The City" and "The Dungeon").

The only one that ever surfaced on the Amiga was "The City" - a game that in all it's simplicity (No quests , just wader around) kept me thrilled for years.

The music on the amiga version was made in Aegis Sonix.

Thank You very much for the fast response!



Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:16
by tas
ah, well i wonder if that main theme on the c64 is the same on the amiga version then. ha! got to see if i can find a mod for it now. You've enlightened me :)

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:19
by tas
actually i had a word with Glyn R Brown about doing a cover, but all i got was mmm, it's nice... so i think i can take that as a no :)

Would make a great orchestral tune. drats :)


Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:27
by JagdPanther
Maybe i should save the original tunes (amiga version) as mp3, and someone might be willing to put up to the task?

Also , since they were made in Aegis Sonix, it's possible to study the complete notepatterns. (dunno whether it's possible to convert it to standard .mid files though)..

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:29
by tas
hey, if you save them as .mp3's then i'll host them for ya, if ya need space.


Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:34
by JagdPanther
Thanks a lot , that'd be excellent!

(Time for me to hit the bed, but I'll be back here tomorrow)


Posted: 01/09/2003 - 23:36
by tas
sorted, we'll do that then :)

nite pal :)