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none reviewus memorandum

Posted: 03/09/2003 - 16:22
by Infamous
Hi gang.

A week to go till BIT in brighton and im all phyced up for it cant wait to meet those that are going :-)

but what im really writing this lil post for is because i have found a disturbing pattern.

everyone has their music reviewed.... but me! ive just checked RKO to check and those above and below me have all been reviewed and had feedback except mine.

I really do appreciate the feedback because it helps me to judge and to work out what it is you liked or disliked about my music and thus so helps me improve and build upon what i have started.
Im sure all the musicians here appreciate the feedback ya'll give each other, and i could really do with the ego stroke or the ego slap whatever it is i require for what i have done.
Or im never likely to improve and thats something that i wish to do but cant without you guys to tell me what it is i am doing right or wrong.

so plz plz go have a listen then even if its just a few words like "its crap" or "its good" etc, that'll do me fine. anything damn it! lol.

Anywayyyyyyyys hope to see ya'll soon at bit, take care everyone
keep up the good work :-).