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Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 02/06/2010 - 8:44
by Subzero
hi guys, this is not goodbye, just see ya for a while, RL is kinda taking over, and with our baby due next month things are getting quite hectic around here, so for a couple months its - see ya, back later (probly with baby photos!!!)

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 02/06/2010 - 9:47
by merman
Take care dude and best of luck with the new baby

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 02/06/2010 - 9:49
by Subzero
Thanks andrew - see you in november :)

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 02/06/2010 - 22:20
by Analog-X64
Will keep a spot warm for you, for when you get back. Take good care of the family.

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 02/06/2010 - 22:52
by Marcel Donné
All the best to you and yer Missus. Take care Daddy! See you when you get back :D

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 03/06/2010 - 8:57
by beyond
You can check out but you can never leave :) There'll so much to do in the future that's not c64 related so either way you'll be extremely busy with the new baby :)

Enjoy the time to come - I'm currently on paternity leave and it's utterly fantastic.

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 03/06/2010 - 23:27
by Analog-X64
hahaha that is great, the baby has the same expression as Beyonds Avatar.

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 04/06/2010 - 19:42
by Vosla
Great pic there!

And to Subby: Have a nice time then and don't forget to come back! :)

Re: Taking a break from the scene for a bit...

Posted: 27/06/2010 - 14:48
by Doddsy
All the best to you.

I'll be taking a break from remixing now as well (act Martin Dodd). It's been a fantastic 5 years making remixes I've learned so much and had fun in the process too! I'm off now to join a Rock Band. My sister project dr.blitzen will also have to be put on hold as well. :cheers: everyone!