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Which sampler do you love, plus a second question

Posted: 03/02/2011 - 2:12
by Commie_User
There are two types of sampler out there (forgetting the hardware/software difference). One kind pitch-adjusts to spread a single sound across the octaves, whilst the other kind requires an individual sound allocated to each MIDI note played.

My favourite pitch-tampering sampler is Steinberg's Halion. As well as coming with its own bank of samples, you can quickly and easily import your own and have the software process them to sound fantastically natural. It's a doddle to run and when I found it after disappointment with others, I didn't bother to investigate others.

My favourite latter kind is a free one from Computer Music magazine, SR-202. I don't use it often but when I have I found it quick and easy with no messing about required, making it a great choice for MIDI drumming. But my only complaint is that it doesn't work with samples above 16 bit, 48khz standard, though that's no massive drawback for a drum track.

So which samplers do you like and why?

Are there any Halion-type samplers which actually pitch-stretch a sound to keep its length, rather than simply speed it up or slow it down?

And what do I type into Google to return samplers like the 202, but capable of playing collected samples of the 24 bit, 96khz standard? (I know there's a 'related' tab in KVR but I wish to see others.)


SR 202:

My C64 samples to tinker with: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7594

Rest: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7774