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Reason problem: Bad pitchbend response times

Posted: 27/09/2003 - 9:35
by LMan

I have a problem with Reason 2.5. It seems that Propellerheads have changed the algorithms for the pitch bend wheel. In former versions, the pitch responded instantly, thus making it possible to create accurate note slides, or simulate SID arpeggios with it. Now the response times are horribly slow; for example: if I slide a note up two tones with the pitch bend, and reset the pitch exactly before the next note gets triggered, this next note still sounds about a quarter tone higher than it's supposed to sound.

I don't know how to accomplish accurate slides for, say, a guitar solo that way. Does anybody know to work a way around this problem?

Any help greatly appreciated :)

Have a nice day,

- Markus :)

Posted: 27/09/2003 - 11:15
by Larsec
I have had this problem... I worked around it by having to identical devices and then have one take over from the other once the problem accured... I think it has something to do with some settnigs on the devices, although I have no idea which they would be...

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 8:32
by LMan
Browsed the Propellerhead FAQ and board, nobody else mentions it. I cannot believe this, since such an inaccurate pitch bend seems unusable to me. Weird. Any other hints?

- Markus :)

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 8:34
by Larsec
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Browsed the Propellerhead FAQ and board, nobody else mentions it. I cannot believe this, since such an inaccurate pitch bend seems unusable to me. Weird. Any other hints?

- Markus :)
You could post a thread on the Prop's boards if you haven't already done so...

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:18
by Hacky
The non-cracked and legit copy is fine dudes!<G>


Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:21
by Larsec
Hacky wrote:The non-cracked and legit copy is fine dudes!<G>

I certainly hope so, since I am using a legit copy and still suffer from that problem ;)

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:31
by Hacky
Larsec wrote:I certainly hope so, since I am using a legit copy and still suffer from that problem ;)
Then may I suggest an alternative fix for the problem, get a Mac!
<img border="0" src="" width="18" height="18">

A top of the range duel G5 might fix it? If it does, let me know.<G>

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:34
by Larsec
Hacky wrote:Then may I suggest an alternative fix for the problem, get a Mac!
<img border="0" src="" width="18" height="18">
Yeah, and why don't I just get the plague while I'm at it? :P

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:38
by Hacky
Larsec have u seen that Reason Tutorial CD thingy? It's all a bunch of chapterised movies taking u through how to work the thing, it's pretty cool. 90% of it I knew already, but it did show me some interesting ways of doing things that I'd never thought of before, and for anyone starting on Reason, it would be a damn good watch! Wish I had it when I first got the app! Coz I only just got the tutorial, 2nd hand.

Also, I've been using Spectronics Atmosphere for a bit now, and man, it's lush! I can heartily recomend it to anyone! Go get go get!

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 14:41
by Larsec
Yes, I have seen the CD... and you're right, it's very good :)

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 20:18
by wobbler
Hacky wrote:
Larsec wrote:I certainly hope so, since I am using a legit copy and still suffer from that problem ;)
Then may I suggest an alternative fix for the problem, get a Mac!
<img border="0" src="" width="18" height="18">

A top of the range duel G5 might fix it? If it does, let me know.<G>
Got Mac. Got a licensed version :P Got the same problem. Also, posted a message at the props messageboard earlier today.

When I was betatesting V2.5 of Reason, I asked the tech-guys about the change in pitch/shift (that actually first occured when they released V2.0.1). They replied that 'well, the effect you was able to create earlier prolly was a bug we squashed... so you have to live with it'. The reply was a bit vague, so I'll just go and ask them again me thinks.

Larsec, perhaps you could do the same?

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 20:31
by Larsec
wobbler wrote:Larsec, perhaps you could do the same?
Will do