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Regarding Hubbard.............

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 22:42
by Sonic Wanderer
I just realised...........I've *never* done a Hubbard remix. Am I alone on this planet about this, or are there any other misguided failures like me out there? 8)

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 22:51
by dan gillgrass
Me neither! oh, hang on....Ive never released a mix YET.......

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 1:03
by Matrix
I have a SERIOUSLY crap mix of DELTA i did on an old Yamaha HX1 Organ, laying around on a TDK D90 somewhere LOL - and b4 u ask - !!NO!! lol . I may be tempted to whip the old synth out when I have mor e room and do a few mixes :)

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 6:42
by carlsson
I also haven't released anything, although a finished (?) MIDI arrangement on one of Hubbard's less or never covered songs lies on my hard drive, waiting for some equipment (or maybe live musicians) to give it justice.

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 11:17
by ifadeo
yep, the same thougts i had some weeks ago...but then i cover two delta tunes and i'm happy.... :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 22/11/2003 - 17:00
by Matrix
Cheers M8 - I have you to thank for taking the image and Chris to thank for making it possible for me to attend to get it ;) - hope the photos i took for you worked out equally well :)