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looking for a C64 Rings of Medusa tune

Posted: 16/06/2012 - 13:04
by inherit
Dear artists,

Let's see if it works. A remix of Rings of Medusa would be nice. It's from a C64 game and it can be found here ... Medusa.sid
I remember it to be some kind of bombastic electronic soundwaves and really would like to hear it again. Most certain not not merely me. Thank you in advance.

the inherit

Re: looking for a C64 Rings of Medusa tune

Posted: 16/06/2012 - 20:57
by Commie_User
A quickly rendered organ rendition for me I think.

What I lose in the electronic effects (which I wouldn't compete with) I gain in the sounds of the Lowrey Symphonic Holiday organ (right) and my Hammond Romance (left).

Softsynths handle the bass and bloops thanks to Chip 32 and VOPM.


Re: looking for a C64 Rings of Medusa tune

Posted: 20/06/2012 - 16:26
by inherit
Thanks a lot. I just learned that there seems to be a difference in the music of the german version of the game. I finally found what I was looking for here: ... using the Rings_of_Medusa_(D)_(Original)_(v1.06)_S1.d64 file. I really like this sound! Would be worth to remix.

the inherit