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Would anybody wallmount their new consoles?

Posted: 09/01/2013 - 19:34
by Commie_User
I've finally got around to newer retro consoles I picked up for five Pounds a piece, so I stuck them on the wall. Games at 50p each, some interesting synthy SFX to sample here and there make me well chuffed.

Anyone have their favourite Gamecube and PSX games? And why are they so good?

I think I need some silver tape though. I can't screw the top on up there.
I think I need some silver tape though. I can't screw the top on up there.
Even the Retro Magic must become 3D someday.JPG (72.66 KiB) Viewed 7280 times

They look rather good. The Sony's casing was screwed to the wall and re-assembled there while the Nintendo is hung like a picture by its screwholes.

I had my Master System there but it became faulty:
I had my Master System there but it became faulty:
Well there's little else to do!.JPG (57.76 KiB) Viewed 7280 times

It really saves on space to crush them all on there. And with its emulators, I could have even more fun:

Re: Would anybody wallmount their new consoles?

Posted: 09/01/2013 - 23:23
by Chris Abbott
I always loved Spyro, and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door on the Gamecube is one of my most favouritest games ever. Paper Mario on the N64 isn't too shabby either...

Re: Would anybody wallmount their new consoles?

Posted: 10/01/2013 - 2:57
by Analog-X64
Fun times on the original PS1.

I rented the unit when for 3 days during the holidays with Final Fantasy whichever version at that time and spent the next 3 days playing that game none stop :)

Re: Would anybody wallmount their new consoles?

Posted: 11/01/2013 - 1:35
by Commie_User
Thanks for the tips. I'm keeping an eye on Ebay, though I do have classics enough already, like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, Tekken 3, Worms, Burnouts 1 and 2, Batman Begins and many others.

And as soon as the PS1 was up, I've got a PS2 now, all from the same charity shop. I haven't been into games for years so it's nice to catch up at dirt cheap prices. And I've even got an original box copy of Bleem lying around.

With gear like this and the PCs I've had, it's like finding the Starship Enterprise in a scrapyard.


And my bedtime player tonight is SIMPSONS' DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, aka. WRESTLING. As Marge, I really beat the life out of Homer with the frying pan. Though I did also have Bart give Krusty a decisive kicking, despite being walloped by his mallet.

Re: Would anybody wallmount their new consoles?

Posted: 16/01/2013 - 11:09
by Dumper
I still have a Gamecube and PS1 though they are not set up any more. My top games for the Gamecube are Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4 and Zelda the Twilight Princess. For PS1 Final Fantasy VII and Tomb Raider.