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Announcement: Immortal 3

Posted: 08/11/2003 - 10:04
by Jim Power
With the Atari ST finally getting honored with a tribute album and lots of new C64 remix CDs and DVDs on the agenda, I hope Amiga fans will be pleased to hear that a new chapter in the "Immortal" series is in the works as well. I don't want to give away too much at this point, but here is some more information that was recently published in issue 09/03 of German printmag Amiga Plus: "Immortal 3" will feature artists like Ray Norrish ("Killing Game Show"), Jason Page ("Fire & Ice") or Matthew Simmonds ("Leander"), whose works have never been released on CD before. However, the 'usual suspects' like Chris Huelsbeck, Allister Brimble or Barry Leitch will appear on the album as well, of course. Release is tentatively scheduled for winter 2004.

"Immortal" and "Immortal 2" are both available from C64 Audio. The official homepage of the project is located at

Posted: 08/11/2003 - 20:10
by tas
great news.... Keep up the great work mate :)

Posted: 18/11/2003 - 17:58
by Chappers
Loved both Immortal albums, Jan.

Great to hear a third one is on the way.


Posted: 18/11/2003 - 18:42
by Matrix
Feed My Addiction :lol:

Posted: 21/11/2003 - 15:58
by Jim Power
In his latest newsletter, Bjorn Lynne grants a sneak peak at his work for the upcoming "Immortal 3" album: "while on the subject of old-school remixes, I have myself done a remix of my very first paid music job. That was the Amiga game 'Brat' for which I made the music back in 1989 or so. This week I have made a new remix of that music, which will be included on the upcoming 'Amiga Immortal 3' CD which is planned for release in 2004". There's also a 38 second mp3 preview for free download - if you want to give it a shot, head over to and subscribe to Bjorn's newsletter...

Posted: 21/11/2003 - 16:49
by Matrix
Hell I could knock on his door, he only lives about 10 miles away from me lol..... newsletter hehehe ....

One thing he asked me ages ago... has anyone seen hide or hair of fleshbrain !!

Latest News

Posted: 25/04/2004 - 15:40
by Jim Power
OK, here are some news concerning the latest chapter in the "Immortal" CD series: while I'm still hoping for a winter 2004 release, it looks like the album could be delayed until 2005... these composers can be lazy at times, y'know! :wink: A French magazine called "Amiga Power" will publish an interview with Ruben Monteiro, creator of the first "Immortal" album, and myself in the near future - I revealed some games from the tracklist for this article, including "Agony" by Tim Wright and "Fire & Ice" by Jason Page (who will also contribute a track from the Amiga sequel to a popular C64 shooter).

Posted: 25/04/2004 - 18:50
by Matrix
Agony, superb music that ...

Posted: 27/04/2004 - 18:27
by Thornado
Wow..I was hoping for a new verision of the Agony title tune for some time. I hope the arrangement is still as moody and basic as the original tune was...some tunes don't need much tweaking.:)

Toobad it seems the release seems to be slipping...better use the whip to inspire the lazy composers! ;)

Posted: 27/04/2004 - 21:21
by tas
Good luck with it pal, really looking forward to this =)

Posted: 12/06/2004 - 5:56
by Jim Power
Hmmm... I wonder if there are any prog rock fans in this forum? I went to see legendary rock band "Yes" in concert on Thursday. This was the third time I went to one of their concerts and I can't wait for the next one - folks, if you ever get a chance to see this band live, go for it! Speaking of prog rock: game music composers Nugel Bros. have uploaded a preview of their contribution to the upcoming "Immortal 3" album! The music was originally written by Matt Simmonds for the shooter "Cardiaxx" from Electronic Zoo (later re-released by Team 17), a horrible "Uridium" clone for the Amiga - however, the game featured an outstanding hard rock soundtrack and the Nugels did a fantastic job arranging it for CD... so, head over to the music section on their page and give it a listen :!:

Posted: 13/07/2004 - 17:55
by Thornado
The track sounds promising...this is also a nice quote on the site.:D
In addition to the “Cardiaxx-Remix” we are commissioned to contribute another song to the “Immortal 3”-CD. We will remix the titletrack from the legendary game “Ghouls ´n Ghosts”, which was originally composed by Tim Follin (“Ecco, the Dolphin”, “Starsky and Hutch”).

Posted: 13/07/2004 - 21:55
by Chris Abbott
We will remix the titletrack from the legendary game “Ghouls ´n Ghosts”,
Commercial track? Or just something nice for the fans?
[edit] Oh, I see! Well, that's OK then, I knew about that.


Posted: 20/07/2004 - 0:41
by Jim Power
Posted that in another thread in the "remix suggestions" area already, but I thought I'd just put it here as well, since this has become the more or less official "Immortal 3" news thread... so, here are two more entries revealed from the tracklist: "Blood Money" (arranged by Ray Norrish himself) and "Gods" will be featured on the upcoming album. Working with the original samples from the Nation 12 master wasn't really an option, so we ended up recording completely new vocals for our version of the tune - it's gonna be interesting to see if fans of the original track will like it or hate it!

Posted: 22/07/2004 - 17:24
by Thornado
That sounds like a great idea..a new Gods version. I hope, because the mix will contain new vocals, it will be a bit wilder.:)

Btw..I am searching a long time for the original version..anyone can help me with this one?