U.S.S. John Young (Sea Knight Theme)
Arranged by: CZ Tunes
Original by: Jesper Kyd
Release Date: 01/05/2009
All-Time Rank: 153.
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Listeners' Rating
87% (25 votes)
RemixFan shouts: Keep up the good work. Expect tensely already on the next Remixe of CZ Tunes.     ::      Pedro-Ariz shouts: It's a very clean and solid tune, I like it. Keep it up!     ::      d.a.wilson shouts: Nice and Moody - at times it sounds great...     ::      Nebdar shouts: Rough remix, and raw, maybe a little boring at the end     ::      Dumper shouts: Has a nice movie like feel to it.     ::      neglesaks shouts: More than quote a nice tune, and yes, it seems like somethign out of an action movie! ;) (amended @2017)     ::      Hamlet shouts: I finally know where the Mass Effect main theme stems from. Nevertheless... This one feels a bit lost on the sea...     ::      Matix5 shouts: Simply Magnificent!! Where is the download Button?!?     ::      Duncan Demerodt shouts: A dream come true. A great tune get his great Remix. THAAAAAAANKSSS!!!!!     ::      Rapture shouts: Has something The Rock (Hans ZImmer) about it.:)     ::      Ryrynz shouts: Some good production here.