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Re: Yodela

Posted: 01/08/2019 - 22:10
by Vosla
Just want to let you know that somehow a bunch of wobbly remixes are stuck on my favorite playlist. Dunno how that happened... :duh:

Re: Yodela

Posted: 02/08/2019 - 19:56
by wobbler
Oh, thank you mr. Vosla. Hope that my little creations made in the past gives a somewhat decent pleasure when listening to them :)

Re: Yodela

Posted: 03/08/2019 - 7:04
by Vosla
BTW. Looked at your homepage and noticed the lack of music aside stating being audio composer alongside many things. Do you have a bandcamp account by any chance?

Re: Yodela

Posted: 03/08/2019 - 8:35
by wobbler
No Bandcamp, bit I have a few non-c64-exerpts here: Not sure if I’ll keep my BandLab-account though. Since Allihoopa (a former co-creation-website) shut down, the fun in collaborating with other musicians disappeared a bit.

Re: Yodela

Posted: 03/08/2019 - 14:50
by Vosla
Thanks! So much to explore... :worship: