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Bow down to my new avatar :)

Posted: 23/01/2005 - 21:21
by Subzero
Its me so it is!!

Posted: 23/01/2005 - 21:23
by Romeo Knight
:shock: Is this you kissing a cactus ?? :?

Posted: 23/01/2005 - 21:47
by Subzero
erm...bagpipes - those are bagpipes....

Posted: 23/01/2005 - 22:33
by dan gillgrass
subzero wrote:erm...bagpipes - those are bagpipes....
a) where is it from? and b) couldnt you have had a quick tidy before you uploaded it?

Posted: 23/01/2005 - 23:29
by Subzero
Image was VERY clear before I had to resize the damn thing!!!


Posted: 23/01/2005 - 23:54
by Vosla
How about this then:

Chopped off some unused pixels & colours, added some contours to the hands...