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The Chipophone

Posted: 23/07/2010 - 19:31
by FFRenzy
An old electric organ repurposed for playing chiptunes.
Don't forget to watch his rendition of Spellbound

Re: The Chipophone

Posted: 24/07/2010 - 20:24
by Makke
While The Chipophone is a good name for what it does, The Awesomeaphone would be closer to what it is.

There needs to be a picture of this under Awesome in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Re: The Chipophone

Posted: 24/07/2010 - 20:41
by Vosla
Swwweeet! :D

Makke wrote:While The Chipophone is a good name for what it does, The Awesomeaphone would be closer to what it is.

There needs to be a picture of this under Awesome in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Makke, are you a regular around "Penny Arcade"? :wink:

Re: The Chipophone

Posted: 25/07/2010 - 12:52
by Analog-X64
I think he will be selling the circuit boards for this thing, you can see from the photos they are professionally made.

Re: The Chipophone

Posted: 03/09/2010 - 0:34
by Commie_User
I imagine that the springboard for his project was the fact that organ keys are so beautifully soft yet highly responsive.

Even an economy one like his would share the same keyboard characteristic. I love the way my Hammond and Yamaha Electone feel to play, something which would be missing once I sample them for MIDI use.

A guy like him could make a fortune travelling about the country to circuit-bend things. I could do with him having a go with the likes of my Hammond.