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Posted: 02/06/2005 - 13:10
by tas
I hate it when you go to the toilet only to find theres no toilet paper after you've finished

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 14:44
by merman
I hate it when someone only leaves a couple of sheets on the old roll, and there's no way to get the new roll without leaving a trail...

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 14:50
by LMan
I really really hate it when somebody leaves a few of his pubes on the toilet seat. :puke:

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 17:41
by Vosla
I hate it when the toilet seat is smeared AND there is no toilet paper to cover up the mess AND no other toilet cabin is in reach AND I have only seconds left to make a mess of myself. :confusion:

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 20:10
by beyond
I hate when people just stop in front of you and block the whole isle in supermarkets when you are in a hurry...

(something a bit different... but that just had to happen... the thread was becoming nasty!)


Posted: 02/06/2005 - 23:51
by 1337
I hate it when you're in a hurry at the Supermarket and can't find what I want as quickly as I'd like.

(Also staying on the NEW topic of the thread... since it had almost been flushed down the toilet ;)


Posted: 03/06/2005 - 15:22
by Chappers
I hate it when my local supermarket keeps changing what products it has on each aisle so I have to waste half a f***ing hour finding out what the new order is.


Posted: 04/06/2005 - 7:32
by 1337
I hate it when things say 'buy one and get one free', because I only want the free one ;)


Posted: 04/06/2005 - 15:49
by Vosla
I hate "free ones" that they aren't really free but at least you will be spammed with advertisements.


Posted: 05/06/2005 - 7:46
by 1337
I hate it when spam appears in my e-mail inbox