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Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:31
by trace
razmo wrote: I mean; how easy is music supposed to be created these days and in the future?... Shall we really just "fire off" a boring drumline, and "shine it up" with a press of a button!? ... where is the sense of pride from creating all on your own? ... is this a result of todays society racing off like a maniac, having to spit out new products faster than we can get an emotion for them? ... hmmm... I don't know what to think of this :?
So true, there is no soul/heart in todays music, atleast in the the dance genre, some remixes is utterly CRAP! , it's too much copy/paste, add a few drums and you have a "hit" :|

I think the regroove thinge will help atleast me to get my inspiration going, since I don't have a real drummer by my side to do a live set of drumming it is nice to have something I can use to "pretend" like it is played "live" ;)
Well well, I'll have to see how it works when i get my hands on it :D

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:32
by xo
If you want to control everything, you become the optimizer, you have to outdo the compiler. Don't waste your breath. Programming in high-level languages is both fast and produces fast executables these days. There really is no idea in looking back in my oppinion. Look at the MLton compiler. It can perform whole-program optimization and produces very efficient executable code even though it compiles a pretty high-level language. I think that's pretty cool. It allows you to solve your problem at a high-level of abstraction without sacrificing speed. I can't see how you can beat that. And if we are ever to stop the endless cycle of reinvention we need languages with powerful abstraction mechanisms. This will obviously benefit programmers. The question is if we'll ever find the right abstractions that are easy to work with, yet powerful "enough". I guess we'll be back to the layering and domain-specific languages. BTW I edited and extended my last post.

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:44
by Razmo
Exoskeleton: I know it's fast enough in high-languages these days.... my thoughts are with those programers using those high level languages... they are dependent on people to KNOW the underlying assembly and platform dependant code that IS there... now as long as there are people to make and maintain these things, the world is fine....

in coding these days people don't really care much about the underlying code, and there is not nearly as much pride in assembly programing as where in the C64/AMIGA days...

... but what with music? ... have we reached a point where you can faithfuly say that someone who made a no 1 hit using sampled loop breakbeats, and arpeggiated patterns on synths from other composers, are as good as an artist who has hat a no 1 hit doing all by himself from scratch? ... I can see the parallel to the coding scheme, but when we enter something that is so much more an ARTFORM than coding I don't know what to think...

Of course the one who can do stuff all by himself is still better off, as he will have more flexible options... so maybe this is just some sort of "humanity lift" where everyone is "liftet artistically" because of these new tools? ...

no... better stop thinking, or I'll get carried away... even more ... but anyways, I'm still a "forum loony", so I'm allowed :lol:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:51
by trace
It's the same with math, before the calculator they used thiere brain, now everyone uses a calculator/computer to calculate for them...

Everything is so convenient, allmost noone uses theire brain to do tasks...

Are we heading back to the monkey era :?: :shock: :wink:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:54
by Razmo
Trace: I'm fully with you on that one! ... in much mainstream music, it's just too easy... it's based on quantity and money.... money makes the world go around obviously... I'm just NOT into that filosofy, and as such, I've taken my path a LONG step away from mainstream... I don't listened to it... it's predictable and utterly boring in my opinion.... but again ; that's my opinion, and if others will succumb to that, I'm glad if they like it :)

But let's not forget that there is still much dance, trance, techno etc. out there, that is truly art though. This is the no. one good thing about the internet... that the unheard can get heard, and I believe it has turned the record business upside down, and will even more in the future... this way, where the artist goes directly to the customer will FORCE the record companies to revise their old saying: "We just play what the customers want!" ... they are allready haunting the MySpace network for talents, which prove this. :twisted:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 22:55
by Razmo
Trace: Monkeys use tools too you know!? :lol:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 23:01
by trace
razmo wrote:Trace: Monkeys use tools too you know!? :lol:
hahah yes :lol:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 23:02
by Razmo
Trace: ... and can NOT using your brain to make music (or any other creative thing) be called a "work of art"? ... does artwork not involve the usage of ones brain? :?

Oh dear! .... now I've brought the question up on what art really is :shock: ... shame on me :? :lol:

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 23:07
by Razmo
Now before anyone call me "holy" or somethin' I better admit, that even I has used an odd loop here and there in my music :lol: ... I'm no saint... I just "flied up" and tried to view this whole context in "bird's perspective" for a while.... so all you breakbeaters; rest your fire please :lol:

Sometimes I just wonder if I miss out on something for not wanting to use others work.... yeah well... this whole remix business is sort of just that, but that's intentional.

Posted: 22/06/2007 - 13:29
by xo
I take more pride in elegant formalisms than painstaking low-level implementation to be honest. Not that I don't enjoy optimization, just not premature optimization, heh.

Pop is what pop is. There sure is a lot of crap out there, esp. on MTV, and those young rock bands start to sound like minor variations of eachother. Watching MTV makes me think the world is in a declining creative state. But luckily MTV isn't everything. :lol:

Posted: 22/06/2007 - 14:12
by Razmo
What is MTV? ... is it that channel with idiots doing crazy stuff all the time? ... is that a music channel? :roll:

Posted: 22/06/2007 - 20:26
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote:What is MTV? ... is it that channel with idiots doing crazy stuff all the time? ... is that a music channel? :roll:
MTV - Music Television was started in the 80's and was the Anti-Corporate, lets show good music videos tv station, here in North America.

However the channel degenerated and wen the opposite of its original intention which was to play Music Videos. Hence now there is an MTV2 Channel which plays videos.

MTV has turned into a crappy channel with many "Jack Ass" Style shows.

I dont have access to MTV Europe so I dont know how they fair.

Posted: 22/06/2007 - 22:38
by xo
I'll maybe listen to MTV at a party while drunk. In a sober state, rarely.

But MTV is now integrating locally/globally so each nation has a different view of it and it plays national bands more often.

Posted: 23/06/2007 - 1:59
by Analog-X64
The original MTV here in North American does not play Music Videos, but rather show a glutton of Reality Shows.

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So anyone play with new Reason yet?

New Reason

Posted: 27/06/2007 - 12:56
by Tron
Funny. I can remember saying to a0d last year: "You know what I want in Reason 4? A good filter, good FM synthesis and a ReMoog."
Looks like my prayers have been answered.