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Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 23/07/2008 - 18:47
by Razmo
Yes... the good old tracker-style interface...

Tracker-style has it's definitive advantages, but also disadvantages in my point of view... like Tonka said, it's a lot easier to do quick complicated melody lines, inkluding drums, but lengths are a pain in the ass!...

Another aspect of the tracker that does not apeal to me is, that it's meant for programing, and not performing... If you know how to play a keyboard live, and want that "live feel", be it note lengths, timing or velocity, then trackers are no good really...

One thing I'd like to see implemented in synths (both hard and soft) is a tracker like interface for making arpeggiator and sequencer patterns... most such interfaces today will only let you compose the rhythm/melody if you program one note at a time setting all values by hand... would be nice to be able to do it tracker style, using MIDI noteons for editing, and choosing one key for "spacebar" doing the pauses.... just like when doing AMIGA stuff back then... ahh, those AMIGA days! :)

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 23/07/2008 - 19:45
by Tonka
Razmo wrote:
If you know how to play a keyboard live, and want that "live feel", be it note lengths, timing or velocity, then trackers are no good really...
Why would anyone want to make synth music sound 'live'?! :puke:

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 23/07/2008 - 21:58
by Razmo
I believe many famous artists using synths play them live... Jarre, Vangelis, Depeche Mode etc...

I admit that not quantizing synth music is not my cup of tea either, but leaving note lengths and velocities as they was played can really add to the "liveliness" or "dynamics" of the piece in some situations... guess it depends on what you really want with the music :)

I personaly do both... some tracks need rock solid programed feel, while others benefit more from a bit of "character"... or what else can I call it in lack of words?
My point is, that I'd like to have both options... trackers and sequencers would be nice to have in the same package somehow... but if I had to choose between the two, I'd definitely take the sequencer over the tracker...

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 24/07/2008 - 8:17
by Tonka
Hehe - I'm admittedly very biased in this area! :D I personally like my synth music brutally sequenced and in perfect time. This (to me) is how synth music is supposed to sound.
My point is, that I'd like to have both options... trackers and sequencers would be nice to have in the same package somehow... but if I had to choose between the two, I'd definitely take the sequencer over the tracker...
Which is exactly what DS2 DOES have (tracker & piano roll in one package)! Read the thread, maaaannnn! :cheers:

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 24/07/2008 - 14:06
by Razmo
Tonka wrote:Hehe - I'm admittedly very biased in this area! :D I personally like my synth music brutally sequenced and in perfect time. This (to me) is how synth music is supposed to sound.
My point is, that I'd like to have both options... trackers and sequencers would be nice to have in the same package somehow... but if I had to choose between the two, I'd definitely take the sequencer over the tracker...
Which is exactly what DS2 DOES have (tracker & piano roll in one package)! Read the thread, maaaannnn! :cheers:
Yeah, but not in SONAR!.... I'm biased too you know! :lol:

I'm hardcore SONAR user here, and would not touch logic or cubase with a 10 foot pole :twisted: or any other sequencer for that matter. I've grown too old for changes now :roll:

In fact I'd want the tracker style as part of the hardware synths I've got that has buildt in arpeggiator with user patterns... so it's no real use that it's the sequencer that has the tracker thing... it should be in the hardware synths tailored to their own specific arp engines 8)

Yeah I'm demanding I know... :oops:

But don't get me wrong Tonka... I certainly know what you mean by "synth music"... and that it has to be dead tight and so on... but again, some types of synth music does give a nice feel to it if it has a bit of "human feel" on them... I bet you like Jarre right? ... I bet he did some of his early music recording on an 8-track tape recorder, and I bet some of it was performed live... still, I find that to be synth music :wink:

Please don't turn this into a synced vs live debate... that is not my goal here... I just say that FOR ME, I enjoy both ways of working, and preferably mixed in the same tune as both methods have something unique to offer.

Doing tracker/sequencer programing can give you tracks that are simply impossible to do live, and playing live can give you a dynamic feel in your leads/basses/drums that would take hours to program note by note in a tracker...

As Chris wrote in some other thread: Thank god there are choises to be made! :D

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 24/07/2008 - 14:47
by Tonka
Razmo wrote: I bet you like Jarre right? ...

Ref the rest - if your happy with Sonar, stick with Sonar! :cheers:

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 25/07/2008 - 16:32
by Razmo
Tonka wrote:
Razmo wrote: I bet you like Jarre right? ...

Ref the rest - if your happy with Sonar, stick with Sonar! :cheers:
Well... that explains a lot then :)

Re: Tracking, we're Tracking...

Posted: 25/07/2008 - 17:06
by Tonka
Razmo wrote:
Well... that explains a lot then :)
Yeeeessss Razmo... :roll: