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Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 19/11/2008 - 14:47
by Romeo Knight
I guess I had a similar first LAN experience:
Marathon 2: Durandal (
It was 1996 when I met with like 4 friends in the studio, everyone sitting in
front of one of those old Macs (from Quadra 650 to PowerPC 7100) screaming and
yelling when we chased each other with the rocket launcher.
I remember I was playing without mouse to have better control over the aiming.... :)

Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 19/11/2008 - 15:26
by Wavedancer
Hm. Well, I would say Final Fantasy VII. I think there were no one emotional like FFVII and no one I reinstalled so often like this to play it for hours and hours, weeks and weeks and made me sad like this game.

Quake III Arena ... I tried out the highest difficult (Nightmare?), when I heard the opponent I died. I just thought "Wow, what the fu**?"

The Heroes of Might & Magic series. No other series moved me at the computer like this series. And it was the first game I tried a LAN-Party. But it's boring, when you have to wait forever for your turn, when one player is sleeping :P

Die Siedler/The Settlers 1 ... it's just the original for me and I think it's an original in itself.

Eishockey Manager ... the only sport manager game I ever liked. It's easy to handle and it's funny :)

Ok, there are too much games to list :roll:

Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 27/11/2008 - 22:04
by Zieman
So many :)

One of the most memorable was C64 Elite during a lunar eclipse.
I skimmed the sun for fuel, jumped to anarchic and feudal systems and blasted lots of pirates. While I was getting ready for another fuel scooping, I had a Boa cruiser keeping me company and simultaneously I could watch the eclipse which was visible through my window by just turning my head a bit.

Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 28/11/2008 - 21:59
by Infamous
A recent one this, but one that is pretty poignant in call of duty 4 and im sure you all know what im about to mention. yeap. The nuclear explosion.

It is hard to convey just how jaw dropping it is, I watched you tube video's of it and it didnt really look that special to me but it's when it actually happens to you that you realise just how brilliant this bit is and the creators of that game should be patted on the back for bringing to us the horror of a nuclear strike, just take a look next time you play it and you will see all sorts of things some you'll have made up in my mind, like those piles of dust.. surely not the remains of that bunch of innocents that were running the other way a minute ago?.. but maybe? .. omg.. shit im dying here .. size of that bastard cloud.. christ that noise is making my ears hurt.. come to think of it where the bloody hell did we land?. Its jaw dropping, inspired and probably the closest a game has come in a while to interactive reality.

Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 01/12/2008 - 8:02
by LMan
whoa just watched the youtube vid of it; spine-chilling... :shock:

Re: Great moments in games

Posted: 31/12/2008 - 11:31
by LMan
Makke wrote: Monkey Island 2
The whole shebang. Loading it up still feels like coming home, every time.
Concurr! The bone-song for example is a great moment in this one. :)