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Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 20/03/2009 - 9:54
by Chris Abbott
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
RobinsonMason wrote:this is the sad state of C64 remixes on my ipod/itunes:


:cry: (sniffle)
Since when did Abba and AD/AC do C64 remixes? ;)
I don't know about you, but I for one welcome our new Scandanavian and Heavy Metal remix overlords!


Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 20/03/2009 - 14:59
by RobinsonMason
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Rather than require people to include cover art, I'd prefer to have a generic RKO/C64 Remix cover that gets automatically added onto submissions as part of the upload process. This would have to be a static image rather than something created on the fly (e.g. using GDLib) as computers can't tell if the end result looks good - at least not the computers I can afford to hang around. :D

That being said I haven't checked if the GetID3() PHP library has any options to add cover art, so this is all hypothetical. :D
That sounds good to me - at least it would be something different and relatively unique for each remix, and would also stand out among other (not C64Remix) tunes without artwork.

I do hope the Screenshots used in SIDFind can be applied to them as well. Bold white text would probably be a decent choice for most, but heck, just the screenshot alone, unaltered but associated with the remix would make me happy. Even the resolution would not be a big deal. I'm not hard to please. :)

Oh, and you got me, I was a lazy bum for not taking my own screenshot of the sad state of Cover Flow and using Google Image Search instead. :P

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 27/03/2009 - 10:27
by Analog-X64
Here is a 600x600 Graphic which you can stick Text in the Blank Spot.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 2:08
by Analog-X64
Here is another one based on a floppy disk image I saw on google images, I think there is room for improvement. PhotoShop .PSD included the logo ofcourse can be removed it just a layer. All layers clearly labeled.

Comments/Suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 3:14
by RobinsonMason
I like! I grew up with these though. :P


Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 4:47
by Analog-X64
As always comments/suggestions appreciated. Photoshop .PSD file included enjoy.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 13:23
by RobinsonMason
Awesome! There's even enough room in the lower left or right for a screenshot or two, and the text can be decent sized as well.
Floppy3.gif (75.66 KiB) Viewed 13083 times

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 14:16
by Analog-X64
Good Work!!!

I have updated my original Post of the 5 1/4" Diskette with my original Photoshop .PSD file 600x600 @ 300 DPI.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 15:18
by RobinsonMason
Cool! I like the "grain" more in the version I just downloaded.

I'm thinking of using this format every time someone submits a new tune here. We can just insert something similar into those threads and say "here you go - cover art". :P

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 17:15
by Analog-X64
I have also updated the Image above to reflect the new grain. I'm trying to keep these designs simple as well within photoshop. So they dont chew up too much space on LMans server :)

I think I'm done with the floppy theme for now. Let me know if you want something else.

PS: I used the image of the 5 1/4" Diskette you posted above as a template/source image to make this one.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 23:00
by Vosla
Analog-X64 wrote:I have also updated the Image above to reflect the new grain. I'm trying to keep these designs simple as well within photoshop. So they dont chew up too much space on LMans server :)

I think I'm done with the floppy theme for now. Let me know if you want something else.

PS: I used the image of the 5 1/4" Diskette you posted above as a template/source image to make this one.
...Which turned out very cool.... thanks, m8!

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 28/03/2009 - 23:52
by RobinsonMason
For those who don't know - reposting this:

You don't need an iPod or iTunes to enjoy Album Art.

If you use Windows Media Player, when playing any MP3 tune there should be a "Get Album Art" option. You can right click on Media Player if it is not showing it by default.

When it says "none found" you can choose it manually. Once associated, it will appear in a frame within some portion of media player like this:
albumart.jpg (27.12 KiB) Viewed 13030 times
Or you can choose to have the album art take up the whole frame instead of using "visualization" etc.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 29/03/2009 - 1:05
by Vosla
There is also a way to incorporate album art in an actual MP3 itself, though this doesn't seem to work with all MP3-players. MS Mediaplayer shows the picture then.

See "The GodFather"-tool mirror here :

(Original page seems to be down)

I think it was Lman first who brought this to my attention.

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 29/03/2009 - 3:34
by Analog-X64
I use this one.

It can grab images for commercial CD/Mp3s from sources like so you dont have to find a picture.

RMason: Have you tried the new artwork on your iPod? how do they look?

Re: Album Art for C64 Remixes - for use with MP3 Players

Posted: 29/03/2009 - 4:25
by RobinsonMason
Yes, and they look good even though I have a smaller nano -- main point is that they need to have large text and look a little different from one another. That way when you scroll through the tunes using "cover flow" the tunes will stand out and not just all look the same. A colorful screen shot like in the Glider Rider one I did helps the individual mp3 to stick out, too.