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Posted: 13/01/2003 - 15:02
by Glyn R Brown
Good to see you Back ! .. H ..

Thanks for the heads-up

Posted: 13/01/2003 - 19:09
by honorabili
Appearently, the font I was using was not supported by IE.

Check it out now.

- honorabili

Thanks Glyn

Posted: 13/01/2003 - 22:09
by honorabili
Thanks Glyn,

I've taken a break for a while and now I'm fresh to have some fun again.

- H :D

Posted: 15/01/2003 - 11:17
by Vosla

Thanks for the greetings

Posted: 15/01/2003 - 14:54
by honorabili
Very much thanks, Vosla.
It is an interesting time to be back.

For those of you who are still interested in my c64 and now amiga related music, contact me. I also have SNES and other platform remixes.

- H

P.S. I'm currently working on an amiga remix of the Hired Guns Character Selection screen. :twisted:


Posted: 15/01/2003 - 15:02
by Rafael Dyll

It's funny seeing your reply saying

yay ! welcome back, H.
Sh*t happens !



Posted: 15/01/2003 - 23:29
by M.A.F
Yeah welcome back to the remix64 mafia Mr Abili!!! :wink:


Posted: 15/01/2003 - 23:51
by M.A.F
<<<<Oh by the way this pic is of me at New Year lying against a wall

pi**ed as a fart!! :D

Well i am Scottish after all!!! :twisted:

Sup G

Posted: 16/01/2003 - 0:04
by honorabili

When you gonna be on instant messenger, brother?

Still on for me building you a clone cheap ass copy of my site for your great music!!!!!??????

I know I have too much time on my hands, I need a job.

- H :idea:

Posted: 16/01/2003 - 1:40
by M.A.F
Great Music???

Well thanks mate i apprieciate you saying that!! but you have only heard two tunes,the rest of my music is cr*p!!!!!! heh heh!!

I know nothing of setting up a site to stick tunes on so your help would be great matey!!!

I will sort out instant messenger soon as!!!
